The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

The world is burning yet you remain a petulant child. At least you’re consistent….?

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Just a weekly reminder of what Democrats voted for.

Cool story but tell that to Limey. The world is burning yet he’s obsessed with President Trump. He’s pretty consistent too it would seem.

With as much crying as you do, we shall call you WV “tissue man” ASTRO.

While Biden is being celebrated in Israel for his support during this attack, Trump goes on stage Florida to bitch about Israel and praise Hezbollah because…reasons.

Scalise withdraws his name from the Speaker’s race. The historic Republican clusterfuck in the House continues with no end in sight. This is not how any of this is supposed to work.

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“We”? Are you the royal we now? Because I don’t really seem to be talking to anyone else.

“Tissue man”? Please try again. That’s terribad…

There goes the tissue man again. He goes through 10 boxes a day when he reads my political posts.

It only takes 5 Republicans to see sense and vote for Jeffries, and their nightmare will be over. They can go back to caterwauling from the cheap seats instead of dick-stomping their way through trying to govern.

They’re never going to do that, but seems like the Dems should publicly float a compromise that they’ll support a Republican who will do a number of common sense things like keep the government open, allow votes for a number of bipartisan bills and at least require a vote on whether to open an impeachment inquiry.

The GOP has no interest in governing or doing their job. Fact


In the words of the great James Carville: “when your opponent is drowning, throw them an anvil.”

A big part of McCarthy’s demise was because he reneged on every deal he made with the Democrats. None of them can be trusted because none of them can deliver on anything they promise.

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The problem with this is the Dems already made that deal and Repubs turned around reneged on it immediately. Fool me once…can’t get fooled again.


There’s also the simple math and simple politics. It would take 100+ Dems to vote for Jordan or Scalise to make them Speaker; all of whom would then see a primary challenge next cycle. Conversely, it would take 5 - just 5 - Republicans to vote for Jeffries to make him Speaker, and there are about a dozen of them who represent Biden-leaning districts.

I wasn’t thinking of either Scalise or Jordan. I’m targeting the 18 or so who are in Biden districts and saying “Come up with a reasonable Republican who’s not beholden to Trump and the crazies, and we can work together.”

As a side note, I don’t expect it to work, I just think it sends a message to the middle that “we’re not the crazies here, remember it next election.”

Also, the only deal I recall with McCarthy was between McCarthy and Biden on the budget. McCarthy never made a deal with the Dems about bringing forward legislation and keeping the government open. Again, that deal can’t be made with someone who needs 90% of the Republican vote, but someone who just needs 5% of the Republican vote.

Again, no Republican will ever, never in a million years, vote for Jefferies; you have to give them a reasonable option, a non-crazy with an R beside his name.

I go back to the premise that any deal with Republicans will be ripped up the moment it becomes inconvenient to them, which is typically about 0.25 nanoseconds after they get what they want.

You might as well ask them to nominate a hobbit.

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A gay hobbit.