The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Remember this lady?

I hope she sues the ever-lovin’ fuck out of the state.

Why don’t you move? You would fit like a glove in California. Be a Dodger fan while you are at it. Texas will never have a Democrat majority.

Interesting that Barry Soetoro and Sean Combs aka PDiddy are friends. Pretty disturbing things are coming out about Combs. I always knew that Barry was a very disgusting person. I am no longer a Democrat because of Barry. No other President has created more racism or divide than Barry Soetoro. He appears pretty chummy with this pedophile.


Cool. I’m asking you a serious question in response to what seems to be an unserious answer. You believe that a Republican appointed judge would be more receptive to whatever your arguments are about election fraud. Why?

Not the first time this has been referenced. What am I missing here?

Your new name is going to be dicknose.

Trump has been a celebrity for a long time. You will find many people posing for pictures with him. Wait, I thought Trump was racist?

PDiddy and Barry are pedophiles.

I think it would take someone who isn’t paid off and someone who isn’t afraid to look at the facts. There is plenty of evidence but no Democrat judge is going to look at it. It doesn’t fit the narrative. The right Republican might look at the evidence. Quite honestly a lot of them are nearly as crooked as Democrats though.

Over 80,000,000 people are excited about an octogenarian with dementia. Sure….

A brain.

Again. If this “evidence” is so abundant, share it with us. It can’t be that hard…

If I posted any evidence, it would get deleted/censored as fast as the old demented sock puppet falls when trying to walk. Not worth the energy. Look it up if you want to know. I would advise watching 2000 Mules once you finish smoking your joint.

Post it. If it’s “evidence”, it won’t get deleted. Believe in yourself!

I have posted evidence before but it doesn’t follow the Democrat way of thinking and it gets deleted. I know you are watching cartoons but when they end, go watch 2000 Mules.

So your “evidence” is 2000 Mules?

They show plenty of evidence if you would like to see it.

Don’t be a coward. State your truth! Show us your “evidence”.

I have enough respect for you to not assume it’s not just that movie.

ETA: I mean I don’t base my understanding of 9/11 on Michael Moore’s movies. Nor mass shootings.

State your evidence that the election was fair.

Nope. You started this. You don’t get to say the sky is pink and make blue defend itself.

But a cursory google search with simple inputs will give you a politically diverse result. You might even run in to the fact that EVERY court case that Trump filed re the election… lost. Not a few… all of them. Regardless of the political affiliation of the judges. Fox News ponied up a sum of money humans can’t fathom just to avoid the public humiliation of having to admit they were lying.

das: are you going to chime in here? or, is your humanity selective?

Dicknose, I didn’t think you could come up with anything. I literally can’t post proof here. The last time I did, it got deleted. There is plenty of proof that you are too lazy to research. But a Democrat being lazy is no surprise. Once you wake up and your mother makes you breakfast, I’m sure you have a long day of video games, comic books and pot smoking.