Science & Engineering Shit

You just know that somebody is going to make a 2nd amendment case for those things here (in the US, not Korea).


They’ll be a big hit on prom night.

Who is right; teacher or student?

My Answer

One cut = 10 minutes and makes 2 boards. To make 3 boards it takes two cuts = 20 minutes. The teacher - or, more likely, the author of the test - is an idiot.


Yes, it’s not 5 minutes per piece produced, it’s 10 minutes per cut.

The next level answer is that some nitwit handed Marie a dull saw or a saw with too fine a pitch or more likely both.

The right handsaw can make quick work of even a 2 x 6. Most people revolt at the thought because they’ve never used a sharp saw.

So there.

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The teacher is trying to demonstrate proportions, but has conflated “pieces” and “cuts”. This is similar to the “off by one” or “fence post error”. It’s a misstatement of boundary conditions in a mathematical equation. Your answer is correct, btw.


chop saw takes about 5 seconds

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Trust me I would use that first.

Marie is too young for that.

Before I answer. I’d like to inspect the board.

Yeah, if there’s a knot in there, something needs to change.

Also is the board the same thickness from end to end? Can I make a cut from a corner to save time?

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A fresh hacksaw got me through a bunch of 3”-4” branches after the storm

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This is fascinating and ridiculous.


This is very cool

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I hope the fences don’t get in the way.


So, rename the Hooks to the Corpus Christi Infinium? (should be a gift article, so hopefully everyone can read it)

I found the article well written, for a technical topic.

However, I found the conclusion a bit underwhelming: as long as we’re releasing tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, this process will be a big improvement, if it’s can be brought to greater scale, AND those rules (clean energy sources for the electricity) are followed. But we know American industry, SCOTUS and a future Republican President are adept at ignoring and discarding rules.


This process is not energy efficient by any means. It can only work as long as batteries don’t have sufficient energy density for flight and a few other use cases AND electricity is dirt cheap. With 100% renewable electricity at $0.03/KWh, it might make sense.

That’s a great point alluded to in the article. The plant is currently producing diesel at $9/gal, which is roughly double the price of conventionally produced diesel. AND they’re entirely dependent on scalable clean energy, otherwise this is little better than greenwashing.

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There’s a new battery being introduced that will have 500 Wh per Kg. If this pans out, a lot of aviation will become feasible.