Science & Engineering Shit

I’m sure this isn’t going to come back and bite us in the ass at some stardate in the future.


I have a story about something like this. Will type it up here when I have a chance.

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Tell Vger to hold AI’s beer:

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That’s it. I’m cashing out my 401(k). We had a good run.

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We’re not going to make it, are we?

$10,000 for a frikkin’ robot dog with a frikkin’ flamethrower attached to its head is waaaay too cheap.


Any idiot can buy one of these things?

What a terrible idea.

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2nd Amendment commie! Just ordered an icbm.

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I want freaking lasers on their heads


If it’s not named Frydo, what are we even doing?


Straight out of Stephenson’s Snowcrash.


The Diamond Age is even cooler.

Damn near all of his books are outstanding.

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I have a client who makes autonomous drone vessels for the navy and coast guard. Most of their military stuff looks like it should be navigating the Nung River, but that’s beside the point. As far as I know, the drone vessels are remote controlled, not able to navigate without input from a “driver”, like their airborne cousins.

This is different.

For those not in the know, DARPA has been working on self-driving military vehicles for two decades now as part of its RACER (Robotic Autonomy in Complex Environments with Resiliency) program. The goal is to develop autonomous ground vehicles that can navigate off-road terrain without any human input.

No one told Elon.

Didn’t Toonces already do that?


Autonomous ocean-going drones are EVERYWHERE. Captains of seagoing ships take a fair amount of pleasure plowing right over them. One of my kids works here.


Go out and see the aurora borealis tonight if you can. Even if you live in southern areas or it cloudy. This is a particularly rare occurrence with the aurora visible down to North Carolina latitudes last night. The forecast for tonight is a high KP7, which is visible to Pennsylvania. Last night, it was a low KP7, visible to New York latitudes. Yet, they hit KP9 (the highest level) three times last night, which brings the visibility to southern Florida and southern Texas. The forecast is for a stronger event today/tonight so I’d guess that more KP9’s will pop. The last just did an hour ago.

This is the latest forecast for today, which is already underperforming:

Here’s a couple of pics from here in VT last night. This is through a strong mid layer cloud deck. That’s how bright/incredible this event is:

If you want real time alerts sent to your inbox from the Space Weather Prediction Center, it’s super easy to sign up. When they issue an alert, you have 8-10 minutes to run outside and look towards the northern horizon. Sign up here:


That is so cool. My brother lives in central Kentucky outside of Berea and he sent me some images from last night but yours are more spectacular. This one came from a friend in Saint Louis.

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Here’s one from NW Oklahoma if you can believe it.



I think the makeshift FPV suicide drones that are taking out tanks in Ukraine are scarier.

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