Mihoba Fantasy Baseball League

Oh, I’m not involved in this. If I ever said I was, I apologize.

I kinda wish I had the time and gumption.

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I absolutely am in favor of this change.


My bad, Lefty! That said, there are vacancies!

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I am good with the changes, probably won’t impact my outcomes any.


@NeilT, @Doyce7 and @Tralfaz:

How do you feel about Devin’s proposal to have wins and quality starts for pitchers each be 5 points. Our current scoring gives 10 points for wins and no points for quality starts.

Fine with me.

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I’m for it

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Based on the feedback around @Knoxbanedoodle’s proposal to split the current 10 points for wins into 5 points for wins and five points for quality starts, there’s enough interest to take a league vote on it.

Once we finalize league owners this month or in early March, we will vote on it as a group. If a majority approve it, it will take effect for the 2025 season.

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Proposed changes sound interesting, but fine either way we go. Looking forward to the coming season.

I’m kind of liking it, even though I tend to resist changes in this league. I see logic in it, SP’s are just used differently these days. Also acknowledging this is for 2025.

Pretty much my feelings as well. There are good pitchers on bad teams that don’t get enough run support to pick up many wins but may have a number of quality starts. I had that problem when I had Luis Castillo back when he played for the Reds.

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Unless the Yahoo platform tracks quality starts, it might make picking pitchers harder.

Yahoo does track quality starts. It’s a category commissioners can select in settings under commissioner tools.


I’d like to welcome @OK_Boomer to the league. He will be taking over one of the two vacant teams.


What are the rule changes this year?

The only rule change going into effect this year is our draft will now be traditional format (like MLB) moving forward. This means teams are in pick order from the inverse of last season’s standings and stay in that order every round (aka the worst teams in last year’s standings get the highest picks in each round and the teams that finished at the top of last year’s standings get the lowest picks in each round).

Before the draft, we have one rule proposal to vote on through group messaging. That is whether to keep wins for pitchers at 10 points or split those 10 points into 5 each for wins and quality starts.

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Well, only one taker to fill one of the two opens teams so far. I have sent out over a dozen PMs to OWA members over the past couple weeks hoping to fill the last spot, but no such luck to this point. Rather unfortunate that MLB is currently discussing potential expansion plans…looks like our league may rolling into contraction instead.

I got a guy.


Maybe if I managed two teams and made unconscionable trades between them I could move one of them up to 8th — or maybe even 7th! — place.


The thought crossed my mind.