Mihoba Fantasy Baseball League

With the MLB season a little less than two months away, please respond here if you are planning to play again in the fantasy baseball league this season.

@outlawscotty informed us last season that he would not be returning this season, so we have one open team.

I’m ba-aaack!

I’m not only going to play, I’m out to win!


I’m in. My only goal will be to finish ahead of Neil.


Rex Bagelman, reporting for duty.

Berkman’s Revenge is back, looking for more players whose careers I can curse.

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I’m sticking around, hoping to finally get out of the basement

I’m in, may be my last year though.


Welcome back

I think I’m gonna sit this one out guys.

Life is just too busy I don’t really watch or follow any MLB outside of the Astros so can’t be competitive.

Good luck everyone.

Understood. Thanks for playing, and if you ever change your mind, just let myself, @Ron_Brand or @BillyD know.

After seeing all of my team on social media clips* - so I am going to give it another go.

*Heard on a podcast the other day that “good social clips” is the new best shape of their lives

RE: Forest Whitley

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I’m in for another season! Crank it up!

I would like to propose that we split the ten points currently awarded to pitching wins into (5) points per win and (5) points per Quality Start.

@outlawscotty @moriarty @austro @Idstrosfan @Lefty @NeilT @Col.SphinxDrummond et al? What do y’all think?

David, can you clarify what is needed to pass a measure, and when a measure would take effect? (Are we currently a 12-team league and would the new owners need to weigh in, etc.?)

I’m in favor of that. I think the procedure we outlined for changes means it’d be a while before we could vote and longer before it’d take effect, but however it goes, I’d support it.

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I’m fine with anything.

I’m with Sphinx on this. I’m not good enough at the game that my opinions should have much weight. I’ll adapt to whatever we decide as a group.

Having said that, I kind of like giving credit for a quality start. It makes good starters on teams with bad bullpens more valuable. And with as many teams as we have, more valuable players is welcome, particularly at a position with a high attrition rate.

Devin, thank you for the suggestion. For a measure to be brought to a league vote, at least half the league (six owners right now since two have left and @Ron_Brand, @BillyD and I are working on finding replacements if possible.) need to show interest in making the change. Right now, there are three owners in favor of the idea (yourself, moriarty and austro) with Sphinx indifferent.

If that happens, we will take a league vote like we have done before. If we remain at 14 teams at the time of the vote, eight votes in favor are required for the proposal to pass. If we are at 12 or 13 teams, seven votes in favor are required for the proposal to pass. Any proposal that is approved is implemented for the following season.

Hope this helps.

On a side note, if you know anyone that would like to play in the league, please alert myself, @Ron_Brand or @BillyD.