Mariners @ Astros, July 6, 2023

Sadly, you were correct. Chet from ‘Weird Science’ scored more than we are tonight.

You’re stewed, buttwad.


Chester A. Arthur was shot by Bart Simpson.

Special correspondent Mark R. Could probably provide more details. I just remember “Take that, Chester A. Arthur.”

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Dying quail gets the better of Chas.


It’s what Raleigh did next that burns. 4-0 Baristas now.

Stranglers doing us a solid, now ahead of the Strangers 8 to 5 in the bottom of the 7th

I got the quote wrong but found the evidence.

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Someone got ejected. I think it was Ford.

Now a 4 pitch walk

Behind the batter AGAIN

Out of the inning, but Astros now back 4 runs with 3 at bats to go

Why do I get the feeling that if the Mariners and Rangers swapped managers they’d swap places in the standings?

Chester self-destructed over the Genesis planet. Chester A got shot to hell over Khitomer but survived. Chester C was later destroyed at the same place, and Chester D crash landed on Veridian III.


Chester Cheetah waves his Cheetos at you in salute.

At the Stretch…its 4-0 Mariners

Astros DID take batting practice, right?

Diaz singles.

Yainer likes the high ones

Get rid of that 0 fer, Chas!