Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread

No morals and no balls. They are afraid of Trump.

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And their Trump-loving constituents.

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Do you really believe your own bullshit? Listen to yourself, and that goes for most of you libs. Not even one Republican in the House voted for impeachment. You couldn’t even get one. Well, after you hid witnesses, restricted access to other witnesses and documents, ran a railroaded proceeding that was in a huge hurry yet then languished on the Speaker’s desk (probably because she was too drunk to find her way to the Senate, until now), no wonder why you got such a frigid response.


You really have no grip on reality. It’s ludicrous that you think no house republicans voting for impeachment is evidence of no evidence of impeachable conduct (while conveniently ignoring Amash who was a republican for every election but now isn’t because he’s the one republican with balls enough to have any sort of moral compass which got him kicked out of the party).

Pelosi is too drunk to send a bill to the senate? That’s what you guys tell yourself? At least that’s more entertaining of a delusion than the hidden witness secret documents bullshit.

The projection here is superb.

I think it was Chuck who said on the old forum, “Every accusation a confession”.

OK Boomer.

Buuuuuuuullll fucking shit.

He’s a 2010 Tea Party Republican.

What’s become clear to me is the depths of Joe Biden’s criminal reaches. He’s benefitted his own family to the tune of millions. I used to think that he was just creepy Uncle Joe, who plagiarized and fondled women, but otherwise harmless. However, he is dangerous and should never be president. He should be in jail.

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That was what he said then to get elected. Since then, his voting record has been pretty spotty. How come all of the NeverTrumper Republicans or former Republicans are pure as the driven snow, but all of the Republicans are immoral? I don’t get it.

Wow. What a clever retort. Ad hominem works if the facts are against you.

Remember that time JimR said “Trump? I’d vote for the devil before I voted for Trump.” And you said, “You’re right, Coach. I will vote for Hillary Clinton.” And then you changed your mind? I wonder if there was some part of you that worried that in voting for and subsequently allying yourself with the grossest man in America something might be corrupted in you. But whether you did or not, the answer is yeah. You are lost. Your whole shameless rage-boner party is lost, and they’re at the fucking wheel. So thanks for that.

I find it insulting that you see fondling women without consent as “otherwise harmless.” You can see Trump, McConnell and a whole contingent of greedy fucking Republicans in hell.

What’s become clear to me is that you are either highly unintelligent and gullible or you are an extreme, bootlicking version of the gaslighting Trump supporter. Either way, you fit HH’s description of the modern GOP to a T.

I don’t condone touching another person without permission. When I said harmless, I meant just a career pol who wasn’t a grifter. Boy was I wrong about that. His fondling of women should have been addressed a long time ago, but no one wants to come forward, and the lame stream media (a/k/a the liberal echo chamber) has always given him a pass.

Sigh. Another ad hominem attack. Is that all you got?

Much of this could be said of Trump.

I find that it’s unnecessary to demonize either party. Each political party is made up of some with corrupt self serving intentions and others who will go to their grave to defend what they think is right. Then, all the shades in between.

I’m hoping that eventually we as a country, can come at political discussions by examining individual character and not party caricatures.

I do recall that. However, I just couldn’t pull the lever or press the button for such a dissembling elite. You too engage in ad hominem attacks. I know that you’re smarter than that. And since you’ve parsed some of my prior comments, you should know that I am not Republican. I am a constitutional conservative who would vote for a Democrat who believed in pro-life, conservative judges, smaller government, less government intrusion into life, lower taxes, getting the country out of deals that are bad for us, etc. Sadly, that’s out of vogue for today’s Democrats. I actually like Democrat Louisiana governor John Bel Edwards and while I supported his opponent, I didn’t do so enthusiastically because I knew the other candidate. But he’s pro-life and pro-Second Amendment. But he seems to be a dinosaur in today’s Democrat Party, which ought to be re-named the Anti-America Party or just plain socialists.