Incoming TX Cold

There’s an east texas grid that’s separate and apart from Ercot.

That is my impression too. I had no idea what to expect when she won, but she comes across as a straight shooter with the public and I appreciate that a lot.

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I went to a World Series game with her in 2019. She doesn’t know much about baseball, but otherwise she’s smart and competent.

As my old man used to say, “…they’ve got about as much class as the cows they service in the Brazos bottoms.”

ETA: I think I was a sophmore in high school when I finally figured out what he meant.

Austin is the latest city to issue a city-wide boil water notice.

Pretty much this:


My elderly (mid/late 70s) aunts, both diabetic, live together and have water, but no power since 2am Monday. Their home is all electric, so they have no means of boiling water.

My parents have power but no water. If this had happened two weeks ago my mom would be fucking dead.

I decided to test the roads today to see if I could get out if I absolutely needed to (e.g. to get water, to rescue a family member). I made it precisely one block from home in my FWD sedan before I gave up and went back home.

We were supposed to hit upper 30s today and things were supposed to start thawing. Today’s high temp in the city: 32.

We’re getting more snow tonight and tomorrow. Forecast is for up to 1" snow and a high temp of 33 tomorrow. Given that the actual weather has almost always turned out worse than all the forecasts throughout the last week, I’m sure we’ll stay below freezing and get another 5" of snow.

With all the chaos, disaster and death happening in Texas right now, Sen. Ted Cruz got his family together…and fucked off to Cancun.

I was absolutely certain that I could not think less of Cruz; I was wrong.

If true, that’ll hurt his political future more than anything he did on 1/6.

He’s getting dragged hard on social media, so his PR folks should’ve responded before now if it’s not true. I’m not 100% sure that it’s true but, if it’s not, where the fuck is he?

He’s not even out talking about Texas’ foolhardy commitment to the Green New Deal for the last few decades.

To wit:

Flying to Cancun on air miles: free

Flushing your presidential ambitions down the toilet while not even getting an upgrade: priceless.

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Well, well, well.

I understand that Senator Cruz has selflessly left Texas. Both the Senator and blackouts would be too much.


I’m still failing to see why my ire should be directed at ERCOT, or their non-Texan BOD. Seems like those who are actually in charge (and the idiotic media) and thus responsible, are successfully creating a patsy for the public to scream at and blame.

They’ll then fire the ERCOT people, require real Texans to be on the ERCOT BOD, and wash their hands of the matter, as if they actually solved the matter. In reality, they will not have solved one damn thing and we will just as vulnerable the next time this happens.


Significant parts of Marble Falls area got issued a boil notice this morning. Apparently has to do with the pressure dropping below a certain level for a certain amount of time.

…and it’s snowing again. Expected 1.5" in the area, then that’s the last of the moisture. I get to go assess damage when it warms up in the afternoon tomorrow.

Ted Cruz issues a statement:

Just to be clear, my posting that article was not to suggest where you, or anyone, should direct ire.