The Wire has maybe my favorite four minutes of television:
“I’m just a humble motherfucker with a bigass dick” is probably my favorite Bunk quote
Man, that was perfectly executed.
That was great! When you’ve lived or worked with someone long enough, you don’t need to explain your thoughts and ideas a lot of the time, and they portrayed this perfectly.
Snappy dialog
Pretty damn perfect.
Yep. Excellent job of wrapping up the story arcs or, in at least one case, leaving it hanging (which was entirely appropriate).
The airport scene with Rebecca and Ted was heart-wrenching. I’m sure it was for the actors too, and that it wasn’t all acting. This was most welcome after the fake-out at the beginning, although I may never forgive them for Coach (Willis) Beard in a thong.
I love how they didn’t resolve the Roy/Jaime/Keeley love triangle, rather having the lads getting into a fight over her and then Keeley telling them both to do one.
But the three did get a resolution to their individual struggles, with now Head Coach Roy sitting down with the shrink who is now on the Richmond staff, Keeley reconstituting her business and proposing a Richmond women’s team, and Jaime reconciling with his father.
Using Nate’s play to win the game, complete with Jaime performing his role exactly as Ted demonstrated it, was a wonderful way to complete Nate’s return to Richmond. Also, the “talk to me geese” line was hilarious. Losing out in the title race to Man City was grounded in reality and somewhat prescient.
Rebecca - now completely free of her Rupert issues - bumping into the Dutch Boatman (still think that should be a sex position) and his daughter fulfilled the prophecy.
Lastly, they really piled the misery on Rupert; much more than I ever imagined they would. Having the Richmond crowd yell “wanker” at him was a signature call back in a show that has perfected the art of the call back.
So a comedy series built on an absolutely ridiculous premise with a cartoon character in the lead role had me on the verge of tears for close to 90 minutes.
Maybe I’m a bit slow, but did the “KBPR” sign mean that Becca became an equal partner?
Good question. I was trying to figure out who the “B” was for and that makes sense. Could also stand for her being so “bloodthirsty” during the West Ham match. Lol.
I’ve seen it posited that the final montage was nothing more than Ted’s transatlantic dream on the flight home. It has merit IMO - why show all of that and then have Ted arrive and continue with his post-Richmond life?
The B is Barbara
From a storytelling perspective, the montage has to come before Ted arrives home, so that you close with the close of the central character’s story.
But the “dream” interpretation lets Apple have their cake and eat it too. Either you got a flash to how everyone else’s story wrapped up (series finale), or you got a dream that tees up season 4 (without Ted).
“Dream” may not be accurate. Beard’s pants alone earn it “nightmare” status.
Apparently there was a bunch of easter eggs in the various publications on the airport newsstand.
Nothing could scare me after Beard’s opening scene.
How quickly did Rebecca order new countertops?
No way the cleaning lady was touching it (yet another callback).
Also, Jane and Beard’s panic when she’s says she’ll start in the guest bedroom…
Those ropes are not trash!
Mae straightening the picture of Sitting Bull was a call back to the Cheers finale.
Sam did the same thing as he was closing the bar for the night.
On Cheers that portrait was a tribute to the actor who played Coach. He apparently had that in his dressing room.
The connection with Ted Lasdo?
George Wendt is the uncle of Jason Sudekis.
Yeah, so I caught none of that on the first watch.
Like other great shows, I’m looking forward to watching the whole series again someday soon.