General TV Thread

It’s been a couple of days since I watched it, but here are some of the callbacks I can remember from the finale:


In the order that they spilled out from my brain:

  • Tommy getting an “ussie” with Ted, telling him that he’s fucking mental (for leaving)
  • Nate’s play being used to score the winning goal
  • Jaime selling it the way that Ted showed him
  • Nate leaping into Ted’s arms when his play comes off
  • Rebecca spitting tea
  • Ted and Beard having an “are we nuts for doing this” conversation on the plane
  • Ted telling Henry to “be a goldfish”
  • Rebecca’s cleaning lady walking in on an embarrassing situation in the kitchen
  • Beard’s wedding pants being from his “night out”
  • Ted learning the offside rule
  • Keeley walking into the dressing room asking the boys if they’re all decent

I’m sure there are many, many more.

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Regarding Isaac’s penalty, shit like that does happen.

I’m just posting this because I can, sorry Limey that I’m shocked to know that horrible calls also happen in non-american sports

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One for the greatest fucking sketches of all time.

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I loved that it didn’t wallow in announcement details. You start right from the front with everybody knowing, including the team. That saved so much narrative space, and I don’t think the announcements would have added anything at all.

Did anyone notice the Sound of Music Easter egg? I thought I saw one, and it was hilariously stupid.

Roy singing along was a great callback to his love of Julie Andrews

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Roy singing along was brilliant.

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And a callback to him singing along to “Let it Go”.

Old football was crap.

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Yep, this happened, and I don’t know what to do about it.

Succession was perfect, and I don’t know what the fuck to think about Barry just yet

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Stealth Nate

Hell, I’d watch that movie again, or another one


Nate using gold to repair the Believe sign called back the psychic’s discussion of that art form with Rebecca

Finally got around to watching the Ted Lasso finale. Wrapped up everything perfectly and in Ted Lasso style. Loved the Sound of Music bit. A few other references:

  1. Isaac kicking the ball through the net has Roy Hobbs written all over it.

  2. Rupert’s march down the sidelines dressed like Darth Vader was perfect.

  3. Beard’s wedding, complete with the lady who sewed up his pants on his night out and her deranged husband was great.

  4. Dani Rojas having two chicks at the wedding was hysterical.

  5. Nate’s “assistant to the kit man” nod to The Office was good.

  6. I still think it’s hysterical that Beard’s girl is named Jane Payne. The line about the ropes…

Lots more if I could remember. Such a well-written show. It’s the show we needed, even though we didn’t deserve it. It will be missed.


I had forgotten that Colin’s “it’ll be fun” was what Jamie told Dani in S2.

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They were the same two chicks he was in bed with while having nightmares about the Earl accident.

Totally forgot about that

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That was amazing.