General Movie Thread

Check The Autopsy of Jane Doe

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No lies detected.


This is either to be amazing or absolutely fucking terrible.

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Why? Why would you do this?

My money is on “absolutely fucking terrible”.

I will say that the last Predator movie was pretty much badass…so maybe there is hope?

You’re giving false hope. Dumber than remaking “Roadhouse”

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Hope is a dangerous thing.

Which one was that?


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Did they ever make Pride and Predator?


Why would I do this? Because it’s most likely going to be a train wreck and I want to be a part of that.

Why would a movie executive do this? Because there are some truly horrific people in this world.

And Prey sucks. It’s has trees and as we all know, the Comanche such as fuck didn’t have any goddamn trees where they lived.

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The Comanche most certainly did have trees, in places. I liked that movie.

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Oh yeah! That one was awesome, cultural and historical inaccuracies aside.

I was hoping to resurrect the ghost of @NeilT

Believe he was the one who took offense?

You it mean “Prey”? That was (thankfully) a new story set in a vastly different situation.

I love Wright’s stuff, but this smacks of the “Total Recall” remake, which wasn’t totally horrible (Kate Beckinsale, amiright!), but wholly unnecessary. Just make that movie, but tweak it a bit more (they already eliminated Mars) and call it something else.

I guess I was wrong. It was filmed in Alberta in the heart of the Comancheria.


They were building a colonial empire.

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The old Hudson “ranch” (or more correctly “place”, as Neil reminds me) was right near Ft. Parker in Limestone County, site of the infamous raid and capture of Cynthia Ann Parker, which inspired the movie The Searchers. There are most certainly trees, trees everywhere.

I grew up about 30 miles from where Cynthia Ann Parker was retaken, at the Battle of Pease River. One of Quanah Parker’s grandson’s ran one of the lumber yards. His name was Quanah Parker.