General Movie Thread

That’s what I thought. I know they asked him to “be part of the family”, but that’s different than a formal legal adoption. I thought it was pretty well known the latter didn’t happen.

“Michael Oher discovered this lie to his chagrin and embarrassment in February of 2023, when he learned that the Conservatorship to which he consented on the basis that doing so would make him a member of the Tuohy family provided him no familial relationship with the Tuohys.”

A familial relationship is not only about strict legalities or a legal definition.


I agree.

I have 4 “forever daughters”. We offered to adopt but all agreed that it just was not necessary. They cry on my shoulder when they lose a job or break up with a partner. They come over and share their lives during the holidays. We have a funny, sad, super active family text group, I’ve started walking them down the aisle when they get married. An adoption paper is completely extraneous.


So long as your will is drawn up properly, I agree.

I read the family’s response posted above, and I am going with them strongly.


August 18th will mark the 83rd anniversary of “The Hardest Day” of the Battle of Britain. On that date in 1940, the RAF and the Luftwaffe lost more aircraft combined than on any other day.

Either by accident or design, Amazon Prime is currently carrying the movie “Battle of Britain”. Released in 1969, it holds up well today, not least of which because they had plenty of the real aircraft available and a number of the cast were veterans of the battle.

As a Brit who once played at being a pilot, I am a little biased towards this movie. But while it has a lot of clipped accents and stiff upper lips, it genuinely explores the horrors of the conflict and the impact on all who fought in it.

Lastly, is has an absolutely phenomenal cast comprising of every famous British actor of the era.

Give it a watch in honor of The Few.


The Brits holding their own against the krauts until the U.S. air power could get mobilized in the war was tremendously important, God fucking love ‘em.

All this talk makes me want to watch, “Piece of Cake.”

Tip of the cap and cheers always to your native country’s valiant, gutsy effort early on in WWII and there after, Limey/Ray.

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Also featuring the beautiful Susannah York.

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As a kid, I always thought it odd that she got all playful while her husband freaked out at the first air raid on London (maybe I was distracted by the suspenders). I hadn’t thought about again until recently but, rewatching the film, it dawned on me what this was about.

Her husband is a steely, veteran combat pilot who is based in the north of the country, while she is based at a front line airfield in the south. This was likely the first air raid he’d been that close to while she was the direct target of one every fucking day.

I used the think the look on her face when she is chastised by her husband for her frivolity was remorse or embarrassment. Now I see that it was her realization that he has no clue what she has been through.

Her character arc in the movie is a metaphor for the whole country. She enlists in the war effort because it’s “the right thing to do”, only to be shocked to her core when confronted with the horrors of it. She shakes that off to get on with doing what needs to be done, becoming accustomed to her new reality to the point that she reacts very matter-of-factly to the news of her husband being badly burned in a Spitfire crash. The emotion being set aside to allow her to keep functioning.

Oddly, for a movie in which hers is the only notable female character, it does pass the Bechdel test. There is also an argument to be made that the relationship of the Harveys is a subtle swap of gender stereotypes, with him constantly nagging about her getting a posting and she - hardened by war - being to busy with her job to do so. Very subversive for 1969.

Not sure if you’re on The Facebook, Limey/Ray, but this was f’in cool.

My fighter pilot self loves formation flying. And skiing among the clouds…


I was on Facebook. Until my account got hijacked. It’s still sitting out there…alone. Now no one gets to see pictures of my BBQ

That’s not fucking right, amigo.
I enjoyed your food porn.

Very cool.

If I’d known you had a food and drink porn account i might have considered signing up for facebook

It’s about all I’m good for on social media.

I’ll watch this:


Coming out later this month, based on the true story of Rickey Hill who overcame a debilitating back condition to play 4 years of minor league baseball before his body gave out. Written by the same person who wrote Rudy & Hoosiers (buy stock in Kleenex).