General Movie Thread

Quite overstuffed in the middle, but still fun.

M:I Dead Reckoning isn’t exactly a good movie but it’s still a fun time. The less said about the plot and villain, the better. They’re bad. But the energy is still there, it’s loads of fun (Tom Cruise and Hayley Atwell are great together), and the stunts are as good as ever.

Was there a mask involved?

Didn’t know where else to put this: “Baker’s Life Changed in 24 Hours.”

The actual Lela is shown at the end.

I’m going to stick my neck out and say I wasn’t that into Oppenheimer. It’s a good movie, I just struggled through the first act in particular with all of Nolan’s “movie-speak” dialogue (short, unrealistic conversations that immediately and bluntly summarize the characters’ entire personalities and conflicts). It works fine for Batman, less so for historical drama.

I think the second and especially third acts were much stronger, with my chief complaint being how much it glosses over the technical development of the bomb itself. I get it, the movie is about the man, not the bomb. I just wanted more of the science.

The movie really shines in its last fifteen minutes where it all the threads get woven together, culminating in a very strong final scene and powerful closing line.

Overall it really is an impressive visual achievement, and the lack of CGI is both noticeable and appreciated. Also, while I disliked some of the casting choices for supporting roles (big-name actors often miss the mark when they play bit parts; character actors excel in those roles for a reason), Cillian Murphy is phenomenal in the lead.

I also saw Barbie. It made me laugh a lot. The cast is good and it seems like they had a lot of fun making it. The plot is borderline incoherent. But like Oppenheimer, it ends with an extremely strong closing line.

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Seeing Oppenheimer tomorrow.

I slightly disagree. Loved the movie but especially the first two acts and had a harder time in the third.

Just felt flat bowled over and in confident hands those first two hours, though.

Great job by both leading men, I thought, and yeah, excellent casting throughout.

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I will see Oppenheimer.

We watched Barbie on Friday. Very good but not great; 2.5 stars.

They Cloned Tyrone is the best sci-fi blaxploitation comedy that you’ll see this year.


I thought Oppenheimer was very, very good

They could have had a pretty good movie just with the Trinity Project material, but as a history nerd I’m very glad they broadened the before/after like they did.

If you’re thinking about seeing it, I encourage you to do so.


I am wanting to see Oppenheimer. There was a TV show a few years back called “Manhattan”, which I thought was really, really good. It was a character-driven shown set in Los Alamos, but it had mostly really good storylines.

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Totally agree. I liked it too. I knew very little about him.

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Given recent offerings from Marvel (the finale of Secret Invasion scored 7% on Rotten Tomatoes), I pressed play on Guardians 3 with some trepidation. Rest assured Guardians 3 delivers everything you’d expect, and more.

There is a standard McGuffin chase and a demented God-wannabe main villain, but Gunn hangs so much good stuff from that framework that you barely notice the clichéd main plot. There are lots of laughs and some serious heart-wrenching moments; more of the latter and less of the former than the prior episodes.

If you were anywhere on the spectrum from Meh to WooHoo on the first two movies, you’ll enjoy this one.


Guardians of the Galaxy, Volume 3 - my review is 5 stars!

It does not bode well for the MCU that 1 of 2 phase 4/5 movies they got right, the director is leaving to the competition.

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I just watched it over the weekend. Loved it. I think it was the best movie made in the MCU by a comfortable margin.

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Yep. Although it seems even Gunn’s powers are strong enough to redeem the DCU.

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We watched it the other night. I really enjoyed it. I don’t have all this worked out in my head yet but many of the scenes involving relationship caused my brain to make a connection with some of the Toy Story movies. Themes of sacrificial friendship, working together and finding your identity. Maybe it was just the Groot outer space rescue scene reminded me of slinky dog but my brain made that connection - odd as it may be.

I like how all the space movies now have to include a scene in which a character survives exposure to the vacuum of space.

Sure this isn’t the first but the earliest incidence I can recall is from Sunshine.

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Technically Dave survives exposure without his helmet in 2001.