General Movie Thread

Agreed. Was expecting something more, but overall, it was nice escapism for 2 hours and wayyyyyyyyyy better than the previous installment, the likes of which we shall never mention.

Saw the new Wes Anderson. Unique and terrific and frequently jaw-droppingly genius as it was, Mrs banedoodle and I both thought he failed to stick the landing. Which wouldn’t have felt so acute had not the preceding two and a half acts been totally spellbinding.


I just recently finished a full rewatch of the full Indy catalog.

  1. Crystal Skull wasn’t good, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as I remembered.

  2. I’ve watched Last Crusade probably 1000x since it came out, and I heard/noticed for the first time on this last rewatch that, when the cut to Marcus “blending in” happens, one of the things he says as someone offers his a jug of water “no thank you, sir. Fish make love in it.”

Absolutely amazing.


I’m a big Wes Anderson fan, The Life Aquatic being one of my all time favorite movies, and I’m intrigued by Asteroid City.
It’s up next on my talking picture show viewing.

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I remember that scene and line. Great stuff.

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“I’d rather spit in your face. But since I haven’t got any spit…”

Such an amazing movie.


We watched that a shit-ton back in the day.

I thoroughly enjoyed “Attack the Block” on Hulu. It’s a horror/comedy about an armada of alien beasts that make the miscalculation of landing in South London.

If you liked the Cornetto Trilogy, this one for you.

ETA: I can confirm that at no point does John Boyega scream “RAAAAAAAAEEEEEE”.

ETAA: Given that most of the Imperial officers were British, and the Fetts were Kiwis, why did Boyega have to affect an American accent to play Finn?

Wes Anderson Best Movies (for me):

  1. Rushmore (1998)
  2. The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)
  3. Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
  4. Bottle Rocket (1996)
  5. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004)
  6. The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
  7. The Darjeeling Limited (2007)
  8. The French Dispatch (2021)
  9. Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)
  10. Isle of Dogs (2016)


Bottle Rocket

I watched Rushmore for I guess you could call them sentimental reasons. I tried to watch three or four of the others and couldn’t get more than half an hour in, usually significantly less. Hell, I couldn’t even make a dent in The Life Aquatic and everybody knows how much I love Seu Jorge.

Me too. I saw Budapest and thought it was only ok. May have fallen asleep a little during the viewing. I walked out of The French Dispatch. Never even considered any of the others.

I thought Rushmore was cute but and didn’t care for The Royal Tennenbaums at all. It made me not want to watch any of his other movies but I’ve since come around. I liked Moonrise Kingdom when I saw it a year ago and decided I need to give his others a chance, maybe even give The Royal Tennenbaums another effort.

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Moonrise Kingdom and Grand Budapest are my two favorites. I turned off French Dispatch after half an hour. The rest are all somewhere in the middle for me.

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I have seen Rushmore, Tenenbaums, Moonrise Kingdom, Bottle Rocket, Life Aquatic and Grand Budapest Hotel. Not a huge fan of any of them, but I can appreciate the inventiveness and style. If I had to choose one to watch again it would be Budapest.

But then, you and I remember Budapest very differently.

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I’d probably go:

French Dispatch

I DNF’s Life Aquatic, Bottle Rocket, and Fantastic Mr. Fox


I enjoyed the Indiana Jones movie.


I liked it ok. Best part was watching it at a drive-in and eating hot dogs and nachos.

I love Budapest, too! 18 times before my stroke, and 2 times after my stroke. 5 stars!