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Which I do

What can I say? One must have standards in this world.

Southwest and their hokey BS….meh. It was one thing when they were much cheaper but now their flights are generally more expensive.

But you get a free bag. And the flight attendants sing sometimes. And no one looks at you crossways when you board the plane wearing a tank top.

As a beer transporter: You can shut your kiss giving mouth, sir.

30 odd years ago I got a Southwest Visa card, and I pretty much use if for everything, gas, groceries, I’d use it for my taxes if it didn’t cost more. That means by year end, Kris can fly free when I fly, and I always have enough points to go pretty much where I want to go. They may not fly to Anchorage, but they do fly to Belize, and to Rhode Island.

If you have the points, you can get a free business class (or whatever it is they call it) ticket, and be in the first boarding group. I’ll then buy the early boarding for Kris. That and taxes are all I’ve actually paid for on a flight in years.

I’ve tried other cards, Alaska and United, but SW is by far the best points program.


We’re still not Spirit!


We also fly to Hawai’i.
Which is more fun than Midland.


And Moloka’i has some of the best bonefishing in the world, though SW doesn’t fly to Moloka’i.

Not yet…

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Mrs Hawk and I are going to Hawaii in July. We’re flying United (“We’re Not Happy Until You’re Not Happy”) from Houston to Honolulu, but will be taking Southwest between islands. I actually like SWA, I’m just getting too old to fight people for a seat. And driving to HOU. When I was living in Midland, flying back and forth, it was the same 100 people on every flight.

I like SWA also.

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I used to love SWA points program, but they have since pissed me off. Mostly when the points and drink coupons that “never expire” expired. I had the flight attendant tell me, after I showed her the coupon which said “never expires”, “it’s not expired, we just don’t honor those coupons anymore”. Oh. Gotcha. Their points program now is pretty average.

Southwest seems to be the only airline out there that has recognized that if the plane ain’t in the air, they ain’t making money. Get the people on and let’s go!

I found it curious on my last flight when I bought the “business class” fare for the family and my 16-year old received a drink coupon.

Trust me, HH, we’ve been stomping on our peckers a lot of late, and it’s embarrassing.
When I went through my annual simulator training in April, our new VP of Flight Ops told us, “Brace yourselves- this summer will be challenging.”
We don’t have enough bodies to fill the roles needed to fly and maintain our network right now.
Sorry about the drink coupons thing. Guaranassfuckingtee you some stooge at HQ in dallass thought it was a good idea to change that, and any SWA FA worth their salt would’ve given you that drink.

I hate being processed through airports in the US, I actually hate everything about flying domestically but the flying part. As long as the people behind me and in front of me, and next to me are not restless or fidgety, I love the up in the air part. I love the take offs and the landings as well. I can’t recall ever having had an issue with a crew member. If I have the time I always prefer to drive. Oh yeah, and the time saved flying compared with any other method of travel, I like that most.

Again, I like SWA as the airline, my biggest beef is with passengers. Flying brings out the worst in people, and your policies such as the open seating often exacerbate that. You have a good heart, but it invites people to be assholes.

To be fair, common sense isn’t common and most skin-bags/gate-lice/passengers check their brains when they check their bags at the airport.
It’s not just a SWA issue.