Game tonight only on Apple TV

I took 2 trips to Colorado this winter.

The first I drove. I got a caught in a speed trap before sunup and the yokels who flushed my brakes the day before got air in the system. Wasn’t so obvious going across Texas, but in the mountains it was a little exciting. Took it to a shop there who fixed it.

The second trip was spring break. We flew. Got gouged by airline. Got gouged (fucking gouged I tell ya) by rental car company.

Airport/plane behavior wasn’t bad, but in the rental car line a dude bursts in yelling across the lobby that there’s no car in his assigned spot and he’s been waiting so many minutes yadayada. He gets attended to, comes back with some other issue. Finally he comes in a third time with his head about to explode. ‘How about you give me a key’ and tosses the fob on the counter. The worker calmly takes the fob, pushes the button and the key springs out. The dude was incapable of speech at that point.

In short I would have preferred to have driven the second time. But maybe that’s because I just don’t want to be around people.

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