Ex Astros News 2024

Had to look that one up:

  • Manuel Barrios – MLB stats: 5 GP, 6.2 IP, 6.75 ERA
  • Óscar Henríquez – 49 GP, 52.0 IP, 6.06 ERA
  • Mark Johnson – 9 GP, 24.0 IP, 7.50 ERA

Maybe you’re thinking of Garcia? Halama had the shortest career of the three, while Garcia was pretty good in Seattle and Chicago and Guillen was a perennial all-star in Detroit.

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For sure. Both Garcia and Guillén had a few great seasons and I can’t argue with the length of their careers. I just thought they were going to be better than that. I also thought the same thing of Scott Elarton, so…

Regardless, I’d still make that trade seven days a week and twice on Sunday. Somewhere there’s a photo of my brother and me grinning like fools on a plane the day after the trade and our cousin’s wedding. Don’t know if we were more excited about trading for Johnson or the gate agent bumping us up to first class unexpectedly and the two of us drinking for free at 8AM.


Garcia I think beat us in ‘05 with the White Sox, didn’t he?

The only recollection I have of that series is that my wife and I paid a lot of money for tickets, airfare and hotels based on coming to Houston to see two games…but left town only seeing one. The rest has been buried deep into the back of my mind. Oh wait, and I remember the fucking Blum HR. Thanks Devin. Now I’m just pissed off.

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That whole thing still pisses me off. “Astros got swept.” Fuck off, they lost four games by a total of six runs. And Jason Lane hits a ball that hits the fucking tarp, and instead of a double that drives in two and wins a game, nothing comes of it. Fuck it, now I have to go kick my cat.

If you kick the cat, hide your shoes

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Thanks, guys. I had pretty much managed to forget that series

Too soon. Now I need to bury that memory in another bourbon haze.

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On his birthday, Ryne Stanek joins Phil Maton in the Mets BP.

JD Davis released by Yanks. Might be a good platoon partner with Homertron.

Apparently Brett Phillips is attempting to become a pitcher and get back to the majors. There’s video of him hitting 97 off the mound

The video is from the National Baseball Congress World Series. Phillips is playing for the GPS Legends. He started the game and went one inning striking out all three batters he faced.

Found a link with more video

The NBC usually just has woodbat league teams in it so he was pitching to mostly college kids.

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As recently as May he was still playing as an OF in AAA for the White Sox. So he’s very early in his transition to pitching. I’m rooting for him

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What an athlete. Rooting for him as well.

Well, shit. He already got signed. By the Yankees to a minor league deal, as a pitcher.

And from my interactions with him when he was in Greeneville. A better person than an athlete. Very easy to want good things for him!

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Joey 1 for 5 in a Blue Jay loss today w/ 2 Ks.

Like Joey, my post about his “painful” goodbye, might have been inadvertently been planted in the most appropriate location…

Loperfido 2 hits, one a triple, plus 2 runs scored, Friday night, thru 7 innings.