Electric Vehicles

I don’t think that’s a help or a hinderance, to be honest

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The last bike I owned was a number of years ago, and it was stolen within days (like 2 or 3) of me buying it from the apartment building’s “secure” bike lockup.

Probably would’ve been safer chained to a fence outside.

Don’t know how much this one weighs, it looks cool though

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[T1000 Voice]. Nice bike.

E-Bikes seem to be evolving quicker than electric cars. They’re all-but done with the grafting of batteries onto existing bike chassies (?) and are onto making ground-up e-bikes with batteries integrated into the frames.

Hover bikes.

I understand there’s been progress in the field of hover bikes.

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I understand that they’re still having a problem with the strings being visible.



Is liking this a sign of a mid-life crisis?

Asking for a friend.

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You got your moped. You’re done.

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He could hoist it in the bed but it weighs 70 pounds.

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This is an angle of the CyberTruck rarely used in media hits.

Dumpster on wheels.

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Looks like one of them 70s popup campers.

Ryan Klesko, ladies and gentlemen…

The Tesla CyberTruck is meh.

FTR, I sold my car a couple of weeks ago and haven’t missed it. I had to go to a meeting yesterday, and was very happy not to be driving in that rain (I was riding in an Uber). I like driving, but I hate driving in Houston, so I’m not missing anything.

I’ve spent about $30 in Ubers for journeys that I would otherwise have driven, so I’m saving over $700 on the month so far.


Besides being money you are not spending, the $700 in savings is sort of an arbitrary figure. You could have been “saving” less if you had chosen a less expensive vehicle to lease. Or if you had been driving a 20 year old auto long since paid for. But nevertheless, I commend you for choosing a greener and less consumptive alternative.

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You are correct. I could have got a cheaper car, but I would still be leaving money on the table regardless. A cheaper/older car is going to cost more in maintenance and insurance is still insurance.

Unless I’m going to be splooging more than $200/month on Ubers (and I’m not going to be anywhere close), I’m going to be saving money even compared to owning a beater for which I paid cash.

The fact that you’re doing it in one of the most automobile dependent cities in the U.S., if not the world is certainly food for thought.

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I am rather unusually positioned for this as I work from home and have zero familial obligations. Even when I had a car, I would leave it behind most of the time when going out because alcohol.


So the more you drink, the more money you save? Like Mrs Hawk explaining how much money she saved by buying a bunch of useless shit because it was on sale.