Electric Vehicles

The CyberTruck looks worse on the road. Worse and small.


That’s not a real cybertruck. It’s a fake somewhere overseas.

The most brilliant things are typically the most simple. This is one of those things:


Not electric, but I pulled up next to one of the new Corvettes today. Damn that is NOT an attractive vehicle. It’s a chunky mix of angles and scoops that couldn’t possibility serve a function. It made me sad, as it used to have elegant lines and curves . Now it’s something out of a Mad Max movie.

Lifted straight from modern American car designers guidebook.

It looks like a fucked up copy of a McLaren P1.

From this gorgeous work of art:

To this monstrosity in just 60 short years:

At least it’s not a CyberTruck.

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Point of pedantry: that top one is a Sting Ray, not a Stingray. The new ones DO look like a McLaren knock-off.

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For comparison: The McLaren P1

At least the McLaren has some curves.

And yes, the new Vette reminded me of a CyberTruck. Like it’s got to disrupt enemy radar.

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The corvette is now a mid engine so the side scoops may actually do something.

The front grill thingies are there to aerate the frunk no doubt.

(It looks like a Max Headroom transformer)

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It’s still ugly as fuck.

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Apropos nothing: My brother’s first wife (who sadly passed away at 38 from cancer) was the cousin of Amanda Pays, who was the female lead in the Max Headroom movie.


The digital consultancy part of my shop, 18F, is full of mellinials and their nickname for me is Max (Headroom). Ha.


I’ve been riding my bike around quite a bit, but today I made my first foray to the store (hardware). It involved dealing with a major road which is something I have shied away from, but Sunday afternoon is about as benign as it’s going to get.

I got very lucky with traffic so the main road was not that big of a deal in the end. Having the throttle to launch you up to 20mph means that traffic doesn’t close you down that quickly.

I am also paranoid about the thing being stolen, so I wanted to make sure I had all my anti-theft gizmos in place before leaving it outside anywhere. A hardware store, is frequented by pick-up trucks that could throw my bike into the back and drive off before anyone realized.

I have special bolt heads for the seat post, handlebars and a “tag box” containing an AirTag, which require a special tool to turn, so that should confound any accessory pilferage. I made sure to lock it properly to the fence so that the heave into a truck wasn’t an option either.

I am happy to say that everything was there upon my return. Even my iPhone that I left in the clamp on the handlebars.


Son, you’re in Texas. Everyplace is frequented by pick-up trucks. I’m glad you are enjoying your bike.


Faster to steal:

Limey’s bike or the catalytic converter on the truck parked next to it?

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My bike weighs about 70lbs if that helps.

Sounds like you’ve made it time consuming to steal which is the best strategy.