Electric Vehicles

It is rather disappointing, isn’t it?

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But the smart lighting is awesome.

Took the beast out for a quick run, and quick is the operative word. At assist level 3, I was zipping along at 20mph with so little effort. Good to know, in that I have room to dial back for more exercise on a shorter run, or max it out if I get tired.

I am a bit like Zoolander on it, as I can’t turn right, which is why I am now sporting a little fence rash. :muscle:

I’m waiting for the smart bar that mixes the drink for him. “Siri, fix me a Third Man.”

You don’t think that exists already?

Anyone watching the Astros lately would be running through their stores quickly.


Apart from the gas flame shooting out of the tubular mess on the bar cart.

That’s bad photography on my part.

That’s what you get for drinking cheap rum.

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Oh, and ftr, the bike fits in the shed. Juuuust.

Thaaat’s what she said.


I just figured it was his storage shed. Or maybe a guest bathroom.

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Wait, he’s got a book on beers? Why the hell would he need that? Maybe he wrote it.

I certainly had higher expectations for our dear friend.

I keep telling myself it’s because of Harvest that I’m drinking our two bars dry (we have a built-in in the kitchen and an antique in the living room). In reality, the Astros have been driving me to drink for years.

Having a bar in the guest bathroom is the polite thing to do.

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I had a boss like this once. He kept insisting that my stubborn adherence to the laws of physics was not being “helpful”. I finally shut him up by telling him my team would prepare all engineering drawings, calculations, and documents precisely per his instruction and submit them to him for his signature, since mine was going nowhere near those documents. That way, schedule could be maintained and he would be sure the unit was designed his way.

He called me an asshole and left the room.
Elon Musk Stormed Into the Tesla Office Furious That Autopilot Tried to Kill Him?

Was he using the secret “Elon Mode”?

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I see that AI has become self-aware.


More than its creator ever achieved.


“Open the pod bay doors, XAL”

All of earth: “DON’T!”