College FB Conference Realignment (here we go again)

Colorado controlled that entire game until halfway through the 4Q, then the Aggies woke up.

Card and the OL are not ready for prime time


OL is getting shoved all over the field. It continues to amaze me that the University of Freaking Texas cannot put together an OL that paves roads.


That was about as bad a first half as it could be. Oh what could have been if a foot was not on the line after the first punt

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Lots of time left, wondering if/when Coach puts in Thompson

Card isn’t the problem, though. Dropping passes and horrific blocking are murdering the Horns so far.

Card did overthrow Whittington in the end zone once, but other than that, hard to put it on his shoulders.

It seems like Arkansas has 15 guys out there on defense.

In the baseball sense of get runs and need a zero from the pitcher…UT safety just ignored a guy for 50 yards, sets up a TD

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Yeah, they didn’t offer much resistance there.

Sorry, but Card has been mostly terrible

Sheesh, that didn’t even look like there was an OL at all.

I was fine with going for it on 4th but man you couldn’t telegraph a run more than Texas did

He’s getting worse as the game goes on.

I’d be fine with Thompson playing the 4th.

Is it possible to underachieve more than the Longhorns? Even Rice scored 17 against the Razorbacks.

The offensive line is the real problem tonight overall though. They’ve been absolute trash.


Well, this is just embarrassing now.

Oh I’ve turned it off the non-astros screen.

Not super clear how the last play of the quarter wasn’t defensive PA.

That’s because it was