Baseball Miscellany

Exactly, and with a track record of cool videos to prove it is so.

I fucking hate it.

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Very diverse skill set given that he also had a successful career in heavy medal.


I would have said this about my shower.

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I prefer to hear my Star-Spangled Banner in the traditional way, but Iā€™m not one of those who get upset when someone ā€œinterpretsā€ it. Thatā€™s what America is all about. As far as Iā€™m concerned, as long as itā€™s played/sung enthusiastically and sincerely, I donā€™t get worked up about it, and I donā€™t care if itā€™s sung out of tune. There are people who sing well and those who donā€™t. Not a judgement, just the way it is. We all have our talents, and carrying a tune may not be everyoneā€™s. Itā€™s not an easy song to sing in the first place. That said, for large, televised, pre-planned public performances, itā€™s probably best for all involved to vet the performer.


I had to look twice and make sure that it wasnā€™t Enrico Palazzo singing the national anthem last night.


I prefer my National Anthem singer in a tuxedo tee shirt.

It may come as something of a surprise, but I like the National Anthem just fine. Thereā€™s some other obnoxious shit that I hate, but weā€™ll set that aside for the moment.

I reply to mention that the best version I have ever heard, live or otherwise, was sung by Lyle Lovett at an Astros opening day game organized and attended by any number of OWA participants back when we used to get along.

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Last nightā€™s Anthem singer says she was drunk, and will be checking into rehab:

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I prefer the Star Spangled Banner to be played by a USMC band, by far. It doesnā€™t need to be sung and few do it well acapella . The lyrics are a bit marshal, but not compared to Le Marseille.


Ends up we were watching someoneā€™s (hopefully) rock bottom.

I also prefer it to be a recording played over the PA system and it doesnā€™t even have to be the USMC band, any random high school marching band will do.
Also loved Lyle Lovettā€™s version but i am unable to name a favorite all time. For the non-traditional arrangement versions, it is probably Marvin Gayeā€™s.

Or Jimiā€™s.


Hard to fathom that someone couldnā€™t see she wasnā€™t fit to perform. Equally hard to believe there was no backup singer, just in case of any number of things that could go wrong. Maybe she was the backup singer.

One of the photographers in front of SRV was a shooter from the TV station I worked for in San Antonio at the time. He rolled off a copy for me and i canā€™t for the life of me figure out what I did with it and Iā€™m pretty crushed I donā€™t still have it. It was spectacular.


Back when there was an organized activity. We still get along.


I hope she gets the help she needs.


Can we please just let these guys wear their regular unis? These things are a travesty.


Holy shit, my eyes. The TV asked if I wanted to watch this in 4K, and I thought , sure, why wouldnā€™t I? Thatā€™s why. Need to go back to grainy black and white.


I was betting heā€™d homer.