Baseball Miscellany

Do you know how bad you have to fuck up for even Manfred to come out before the game and say “yeah, we’ll do better next year”?

Who is playing rover for the AL?

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Maybe the uni designer is headed to rehab, too.


Why the hell do you challenge a call in the ASG?

Probably an effort to correct a bad call. Plus Freddy Freeman doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt. Fuck that guy and his fucking Dodger team.

Say what you like about the uniforms, the great thing about the All Star game is the twenty minutes between half innings you get to attack a list of chores.

Doesn’t look like there will be any pulled hammies heading down to 1st tonight.

Doesn’t bother me. The last thing I would want is an important Astro getting hurt in the All Star Game.


I turned on the game late and thought I had tuned in to a softball game.

I paid attention to exactly one pitch of that game. The last one.

Why not…


You topped me by one pitch.

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Hilarious. You may know this already but Maya Rudolph comes from a musical family. Her mom was Minnie Riperton. She also fronts Princess, a (pretty good) Prince cover band.


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Looking at that Toronto and/or Pittsburgh roadie next year. Stinks that they are during the week, but that’s why Jesus invented PTO.

They’ve got two series in Mar/Apr with an off day in the middle. That’s weird. Is that a thing?

I’ve seen it happen at the beginning of the season…usually the first series but I don’t think I’ve seen it happen again later in the season.

Yeah I think it’s a bad weather insurance thing.

This is a fun read:

“The A’s don’t have lenders who are actually lending. The A’s are claiming multiple financial institutions are excited to lend the A’s $300 million, but excitement isn’t money. Excitement can sometimes result in money, like at strip clubs, but at strip clubs, there’s a viable business model.”


If somebody wants to borrow money there’s almost certainly somebody willing to lend it. It’s just a matter of price.