Baseball Miscellany

I think that is what it was.

If you missed the trainwreck

Ouch, my ears!

Our incessant fluff patriotism produces this.
Donā€™t get me started on God Bless America in the 7th inning.


4xGrammy winner?
Jesus titty-fucking Christ, modern country music is just that bad.

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I wish I knew how to make them to stop it, but I havenā€™t a clue on how to go about it. So instead of being bothered by the nationalism, I mostly just listen to the song to properly critique the performance.

Cant wait to see your scorecards, bud.

I hope that Adolis Garciaā€™s bombing out of the HR Derby is just the start of a summer full of disappointments for Rangers fans.


I keep score in my head. That gal just topped out Fergie for worst all time on a national stage.


That was horrific.

I found this from wiki:

Andress attended Berklee College of Music and majored in songwriting and performance, although she was frustrated with the schoolā€™s emphasis on theory and dropped out.

Thatā€™s all the explanation I neededā€¦

Who needs music theory, or singing in key and in rhythm for that matter? Also she must have cut class in performance 101.

I teach music at the collegiate level. Iā€™ve seen this bullshit excuse enough times. If you canā€™t cut college level theory, then there are severe problems with either your work ethic or youā€™re tone deaf. Itā€™s not that difficult.

However, singing in a stadium isnā€™t as easy as you might think. The echo from the PA system can really be disruptiveā€¦ if you lack proper training.


Iā€™m quite aware of singing in a stadium, arena, theater, night club, backyard and the various issues running a P.A. and sound board in such a variety of venues. I also know that modern ear bud monitors have virtually eliminated the issue.


4x Grammy nominee, not that that makes it any better.

At first I genuinely wanted to believe that sheā€™s not really that bad, and that she was either not given an IEM to hear herself or that it wasnā€™t working. Halfway through, though, I was recognizing too many vocal techniques that bad country singers employ, so Iā€™m guessing she is who we thought she was. Whoever masters her albums doesnā€™t get paid enough.

I used this opportunity to show my son Carl Lewisā€™s national anthem. Despite Carl decidedly Not Making Up For Itā„¢, he at least had a good voice and simply started on too high a note, which is easy to do on the Star Spangled Banner without accompaniment or a pitch pipe. This chick is nowhere close to Carlā€™s talent.


I for sure wasnā€™t implying that you were being too harsh. That was more of a general comment, not directed at you.

Carl sure ran with his rendition.

I knew that. I just wanted to bloviate unnecessarily.


If heā€™d just started one whole step lower he would never be remembered for it.

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The horrible anthem performance was just a precursor to a fairly boring home run derby.


Itā€™s a high bar to hurdle if you start that song off wrong.

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His favorite genre is Seoul

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