Baseball Miscellany

Just noticed the college baseball regionals were released yesterday: the State of Texas has 3(!?!) teams involved: Dallas Baptist, A&M and Texas (who are both in the College Station regional).

It’s missing some indignation about the checks being in the right place, but otherwise A+.


Too good.

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So Mark, as the resident umpire expert here. I put a question to you. Now that Angel is gone, who becomes the face of bad umpiring? I have seen CB Bucknor, Laz Diaz, Ron Kulpa, and Hunter Wendelstedt as names thrown out there. For me, Bucknor has to be the leading option but is there anybody else that could take the crown?

Good riddance.

I have no ill will toward Angel Hernandez the man. He may be a great person, for all I know. But he has consistently proven that he has no business umpiring MLB games, and I’m glad that he won’t be out there mucking things up anymore.

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Does Larry Vanover’s strike zone from last night put him in the running? It’s sad how many names can be in the running for worst umpire in MLB.


Angel’s crown is not a simple 1=1 of being a bad umpire. It requires a certain amount of gusto. Angel was never actually the worst umpire, just the most visibly unapologetically bad.

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Bucknor and Kulpa should battle it out in the Thunderdome for the title.

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I feel like Kulpa is the most Angel like, but Bucknor is worse as an umpire. Tough call

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The battle could be judged by Angel.

His scoring world be less accurate than the eastern bloc judges in the 80s international competitions.


Appeals to be heard by Joe West



If you mean not the worst in terms of accuracy, then true. But he was still one of the most inaccurate and I think also being the most unapologetically bad is what swings him to being the worst in his trade.

Add a hair trigger with ejections.


They’re all hair triggers nowadays.

I think field mics and lip reading video breakdowns have sped up ejections. Umps don’t want to be seen as letting some things slide. You cross the line, you are gone.

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Thanks, Jomboy!

About to watch Skenes pitch in Detroit!


Twice in one week? Baseball is a funny game.

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