Baseball Miscellany

That’s a big load

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The logo is badass.

Wow, Trout out with torn meniscus, needs surgery. No timetable yet.

Mike Trout = Ken Griffey Jr


Still my favorite baseball twit:

every time I see an Angels highlight it’s like “Mike Trout hit three homes runs and raised his average to .528 while Shohei Ohtani did something that hasn’t been done since ‘Tungsten Arm’ O’Doyle of the 1921 Akron Groomsmen, as the Tigers defeated the Angels 8-3”


I tore my left meniscus a few years ago. I was volunteering at the local cat shelter, and we had this fat cat named Peaches who had her own cage because we had to limit how much she ate. During the day we just let her roam the shelter to lose some weight, so one morning I went to let her out of her cage and also clean her litterbox.

Peaches was moving slow so I scooped her up with one arm, and her litterbox with the other, and when I turned around Peaches squirmed and my knee bent and buckled.

So my catshit meniscus story isn’t really relevant to Mike Trout, but here’s what the physical therapists told me. Someone usually comes in with a partially torn meniscus, and then within six months to a year they’re back after having arthroscopic surgery on the same knee. And a year after that, they’re back with a partial or full knee replacement.

Now they’re talking about brittle-boned old fucks like me and not Mike freaking Trout, but still, knees are weird. And Mike Trout probably has someone else to scoop his catshit.


Easily the best cat litterbox cleaning related post I’ve ever seen on the internet.


I really had to stretch to make the analogy relevant to Mike Trout … sort of the exaggerated, unnatural way my meniscus stretched.


Cut the bullshit, did Peaches lose weight or what?


He took her out to the gravel pit…



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I am thinking they are going to do some pretty amazing “surgery“ on him that would never be available to the rest of us. The latest trend is to inject harvested stem cells into the joint while they also insert “scaffolding“ that shows the stem cells where to start creating new cartilage. And then they regularly flood it with an infusion of platelet rich plasma. Again, harvested and processed from the person involved.

How do I know this? I had a complex meniscal tear in my right knee 13 months ago. Basically by kneeling down and doing some tiling in the bathroom. After taking one look at my MRI, my orthopedist said the horizontal terror was not operable, and the vertical tears could be “taken care of “by shaving off the excess pieces that had broken off. He said that would reduce my pain, which was considerable. I asked him a very basic question: “Isn’t it better to retain as much cushioning mass in there as possible, especially as I age?“. He said yes, but he was looking to reduce my pain. I then asked him if that would start a downward spiral of continuing fragmentation of my meniscus, ultimately leading to considerable arthritis in the knee. He said yes. I walked out on him. I did my research, heard about the efficacy of these new procedures and went back to my Kaiser doctor and asked if they were an option. He just laughed at me and said I was free to go out of plan and pay my own way. The costs are like $40-$50,000. What I did do was ask him if the body would naturally scar as best as possible and either reposition or absorb loose bodies. He said yes but that it would be painful for months. But that’s what I did. And, sure enough, my knee is now usable and stable enough that I’ve started running again. It hurts, but it hurts in the same way that rubbing a big scar hurts. Not an injury type of hurt. I am happy to share the PT program I developed with my PT guy and that orthopedist if anybody is interested.


Seems like the sensible move here would be to pay someone else to do the tiling.

I don’t know, it was a career-ending injury and I sadly never made it back to the Catbox League. But knowing Peaches as well as I did, I’m guessing she didn’t slim down much.


I know that NOW. Thanks for pointing out my stupidity.

For what it’s worth: my wife tore up her knee playing basketball/soccer/volleyball in high school, has had multiple surgeries, and has been bothered by it ever since (not seriously hindered but lacked full range of motion, had to be careful taking stairs too quickly, that kind of thing). She started lifting weights about a year ago, built up muscle around the joint, and has seen a level of improvement she couldn’t have believed was possible. You obviously have to be careful in how you build up, but squatting/deadlifting has done wonders for her.


I reckon in Vermont you might could get two bathrooms tiled for $50,000 if you do the math it’s a good deal.

…and like clockwork, Trout is out for a couple of months (knee, meniscus surgery)

I have done 2 tile projects in my lifetime.

After the second I vowed “As God is my witness, I shall never tile again.”

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I have done exactly zero tile projects in my life. Why? Because I am not a lunatic.