Baseball Miscellany

All in all, the doc is fine but nothing groundbreaking. No new info, no controversial statements, nothing too hard hitting. Just a cursory glance at what took place with a surface level view. It was obviously made for people who do not follow the sport, really at all.


They know the Beltway material. As JimR wrote above, this is their postseason baseball offering. It did give Reiter a Michael Moore-styled promotional moment

Yeah, I was expecting a more traditional in-depth production by the Frontline crew, not The Ben Reiter Show

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The edges of all the flags on the World Series trophy of the 2017 World Series Champion Houston Astros are really sharp. Be careful! You don’t wanna hurt yourself.

That’s just a hunk of metal.

I’ve only watched the first 30 minutes or so, but Benny Boy definitely leads with the shit-stirrers. Jose De Jesus Ortiz, some scrub Blue Jays pitcher the Astros torched, the pitching coach they fired for blatant insubordination…

So far, I’m not getting the feeling the Astros will get a fair shake.

There is a ton of people that follow MLB to a fair degree that don’t know a damn thing except that Houston is reprobate cheaters. They don’t read boards like this, they don’t have a clue that there was any team sign stealing that didn’t involve Houston, they don’t understand that it is ok to steal signs but not electronically. Alot of them probably believe Houston is still “cheating” because they are still winning.


Those people can eat a bag of dicks. I hope they vomit in their dreams knowing the Astros are World Series Champions.


Eloquence, thy name is Hudson Hawk.


Just for clarity, are you saying you hope they have a dream about vomiting over knowing the Astros are World Series Champions or they actually vomit in their sleep while dreaming about the Astros being WSC? I prefer the second example.

I hope they wake up covered in their own puke.


One of my wife’s friends, a casual fan, told me it was quite a while before she learned the Astros had not stolen physical signs of some kind. But she knew that whatever they had done, they were accused of being cheaters. I think that’s the level of knowledge a lot of folks are operating on.


They kept stealing opposing players’ DVDs of M Night Shamylan’s “Signs”.


It was pretty funny, she was like “I knew my mental picture of whatever was happening made no sense, I just couldn’t think of a better interpretation” and… that’s fair if you don’t know much about baseball. I get a kick out of the idea of Bregman and Marwin or whoever putting on ski masks and yanking signs off the wall in the opposing team’s clubhouse in the dead of night.


There was a sign that said “long-haired freaky people need not apply”. But it’s now missing.


Must not have been there in the Colby Rasmus years.

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They moved it to a room where you have to have a membership card to get inside to see it.

I’ll put my hair under my hat to ask why.

You look like a fine, upstanding young man; you’ll do.

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