It’s from “Zack and Miri Make a Porno”.
Default reaction to Ray until proven otherwise
Any one you walk away from.
In this case, you should be carried away by a triumphant crowd like you’re Maverick having just landed a wounded bird on the deck of a carrier.
Holy shit. Pilot would’ve clipped that last building if he’d worn boxers instead of briefs that day.
I read your post before watching the video and kept thinking “okay THIS must be that last building” as he kept getting lower and lower.
Wow, I’d love to hear the Paul Harvey “rest of the story”
It looked like knew he would clip it, so he made the ballsy call to dive just a bit before the first of those last two buildings and use the gain in airspeed to flare over them. Either way, that’s remarkable performance under pressure.
Great landing!
“Thanks. Say, which way to the underwear store?”
Ho. Lee. Shit.
Well fucking done! Superb energy management and maintaining best glide speed. The not deciding to put the gear down saved a helluva lot of induced and parasitic drag. So glad they walked away. Excellent use of a taxiway to land, too. As the Federales say, “Use all available resources.”
Fun fact, this is what the approach to Runway 27 in San Deahgo feels like
I couldn’t believe the first time I flew into SD in the early 80’s. I swear we flew down a canyon between office buildings, looking people sitting at their desks.
Now, it’s making sure not to clip the parking garage on short final.
I was amazed he cleared that last giant oak tree…then the warehouse came up
I wondered whether the gear was left up by choice, which was bold and smart, or if they were u/s due to the engine failure.
I wondered the same thing.
I took a look at a map of the field and you should, too, if you’ve come this far. He is nowhere near any runway. He’s at the ass end of the airport touching down on what amounts to a path between hangars. Not only did this take some serious skill, it took a decent amount of imagination.
And some dickhead in the comments says that he should have just gone somewhere else. Incredible.
It’s fascinating to watch the shadow of the plane to give some perspective on the height above ground level. Take a look at the shadow as they pass over that oak tree. No separation. Same for top right corner of that last warehouse.
First time I watched the shadow was the first thing I noticed, and I kept thinking “well, he’s almost down, so things must open up pretty soon now”. Nope!
I think that’s a Cessna 210, so most likely it’s electrically powered landing gear retraction (I’m spit-balling here, one of the only Cessnas I never flew), so if he had a engine failure, he’s down to battery power which drains fast (the 737 battery power is 30 min if we ever got that far down in a power loss).
It was wise to leave the gear up, imho as he could glide better.
I remember an instructor telling me you can conceivably glide 1 nm for each 1000’ of altitude. This poor guy had not much altitude, obviously, but again, superb dead-stick approach and landing.
6:1 ratio. Not bad. Back when I was working at Lockheed Martin, there were former military Flyboys scattered all throughout the company. I was talking with one of my colleagues who was a Marine F4 pilot back in the day, and he said in passing that it had a one to one glide ratio. I laughed at his “joke” and he looked at me dead serious and said “I’m not kidding”. He said they called them “the brick“ all the time.
I have heard that the Phantom was indeed “The Brick”!