A Republic, If You Can Keep It

USAID is important - and it’s outrageous that some bloke, an illegal immigrant no less, can just walk in off the street and shut it down. But it’s one example of the same issue as with the Treasury, and the Treasury issue is far closer to people here.

Grandstanding in front of USAID but not the Treasury is Dems whiffing on their pitch, to borrow Jeffries’ stupid analogy.

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The mealy-mouthed leadership in the Democratic Party needs to get out of the way of those who want to fight the fight.

For example:

Screenshot 2025-02-04 at 11.51.22 AM

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I find it hard to believe that the oligarchy is so myopic that they don’t realize that the wealth they’ve accumulated in the last 30 years is in no small part due to international commerce, integrated supply chains, and reliable access to lower-wage labor. The stability required for those things to exist is at least partly due to the US being able to carry a big stick in the form of forward-staged military assets. And the bases and ports required for those assets are a result of long-term partnerships with and commitments to other countries. What these idiots are doing is putting that at risk and inviting China to slide in instead. Of course, it probably won’t completely unfold for another 15-20 years, at which point they’ll blame it on whoever is in charge then.


A class action lawsuit has been filed against the DOJ over the retaliatory dismissals of FBI agents.

This is good, but it’s asymmetric warfare. Trump/Elon break stuff and the good guys launch a years-long legal process.

Even where courts have issued injunctions, they’re being completely ignored. After all, who is going to enforce them? We are in the eye of a constitutional hurricane.


Ultimately DJT is the top law enforcer. If he doesn’t, there is no recourse.


That’ll do it. Eh? Oh.

Calling it “stop the steal” just shows how un-fucking-serious they are.

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Second lawsuit on behalf of FBI agents against DOJ demanding, in part, a C&D on agents getting doxxed.

The DOJ firing half it’s employees then not having enough staff to handle all the suits that come in is the peak of a Trump/Musk collaboration.

I’m sure they’ll get right on that.


Congressional Dems address a mass protest outside the Treasury Dept. That’s more like it.

If you need proof that this is the fight that needs to be engaged right now, Trump went in front of the press and started talking about ethnically cleansing Gaza. Outrageous as it was, it was just words meant to move eyes off the literal looting of the Treasury.

The press all bit on the head fake, of course. We shouldn’t.

Janelle Bouie nailed it in this morning’s NYT:

The extent to which the United States is embroiled in a major political crisis would be obvious and apparent if these events were unfolding in another country. Unfortunately, the sheer depth of American exceptionalism is such that this country’s political, media and economic elites have a difficult time believing that anything can fundamentally change for the worse. But that, in fact, is what’s happening right now.


Less than a month into the new Reich and already racism has been eradicated to such an extent that the NFL no longer feels the need to keep its “end racism” slogan in the endzones. So much winning.

In completely unrelated news, the fuehrer will be attending the Super Bowl this weekend.

For an organization putting on its showcase event where one of the teams is called the “Chiefs” - whose fans do a 1950s movie “Indian” chant - and which froze out a black player for trying to bring attention to the extra-judicial murder of other black men by kneeling…this is not much of a stretch.

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Chiefs fans also heckle the National Anthem.

Nex on the chopping block: the entirely of the Central Intelligence Agency.

CIA sends ‘buyout’ offers to entire workforce


The Onion is on point:

I was told eggs would be cheaper by now.

We were told a lot of things.

I’m so tired of all the winning.


Perhaps you need a new dealer. Call this guy…

About 100,000 eggs worth $40K stolen from trailer in Pennsylvania

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Let them eat word salad.

Jasmine Crockett is a shade-throwing machine:

My job is to make sure we don’t have any kings or queens in this country, but it seems like you all have decided it’s going to be Mr. King and his queen. And y’all can pick which one is which.

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