I imagine Moss and Freeman got a chunk of money and/or some kind of stipend. If their attorney didn’t make the settlement conditional on Giuliani keeping his gaping trap shut, then he/she needs to be disbarred; there’s no way Giuliani won’t defame these women again.
I’m a little surprised he didn’t go off on them on the courthouse steps (which suggests that there are conditions on the settlement).
ETA: Buckle up for four years of this shit: evil people with money and influence getting away with heinous shit. I’m wondering if we can just fast-forward to the defenestrations.
The stink of Rudy’s settlement is that someone has stepped up and funded his settlement. Did Trump lean on one of the oligarch’s to be an anonymous benefactor? It’s probable we’ll never know.
It could’ve been structured as a fake loan that Rudy never has to repay (à la Clearance Thomas’ camper bus), or it could’ve just been a bag full o’ cash that Trump’s IRS will “forget” to audit.
Thinking about it: If Moss and Freeman got paid and Rudy has to keep his maw shut, then that’s an ok ending.
Of course, this may not be the end as - as mentioned above - there’s no way that Rudy doesn’t have a few too many before going on someone’s podcast to run his mouth again. Also, his average of living up to his side of legal agreements barely breaks the Blutarsky line, so don’t be surprised if he fails to pony up by whatever deadline he has.
Trump’s inauguration has been moved indoors. So he will be toasty and warm while his supporters freeze their nuts off outside. Also, Trump can now lay claim to the most well attended (indoor) inauguration in history.
TikTok v. Garland was unanimous and has zero freedom of speech implications except to reaffirm maybe for the thousandth time the immutable yet widely misunderstood principle that the First Amendment does not apply to private actors.
The case addressed the constitutionality of a federal law. The government infringing on the speech of private actors is exactly the point of the First Amendment.