Her brother Clark clerked for us and became a friend. I never met her, but it seems Ann’s kids have been A+.
Bob Kuban. One hit wonder band leader of, Bob Kuban and the In-Men. Know for the song, “The Cheater.” I have a good friend who played trombone in the band during the late 70s and early 80s.
Garth Hudson. One of my favorite keyboardists. Also was the last surviving member of The Band.
Everytime I come across a performance by The Band I feel blessed.
So much so I don’t seek them out, I just let the algorithm throw them out to me every so often.
One more from me. Great vocals from Levon, harmonies from Robbie, and Garth crushing the squeeze box.
Thank you!!
Jeff Torborg - caught Koufax’ perfect game and Ryan’s first no hitter.
For those of us of a certain age: Marianne Faithful, 78.
Who figured that Jagger would outlive her?
Who figured that she would ever live to 78. Broken English was a great album.
Former MLB Commissioner Fay Vincent, 86
The last real commissioner.
Rich Dauer. 72
Thank you for your contributions and R.I.P.
Tim Campbell, 68, Earl’s brother, All SWC UT DL, 75-79.
Folks may remember his serious health scare during the 2017 WS parade. I’m glad he got to enjoy several more years after that.
I played in a golf tournament with Rich a while back when he was managing the San Antonio AA team. Rich and another player were assigned to our group. Rich could hit the ball, the other player, a very young kid from South Korea, barely knew which end of the club to hold. RIP Rich.
Oh, my. Not only a brother but also a very good player himself.