2024 Summer Olympics

He was still in his own half when the goalie threw the ball?

These are rules I do not know and therefore cannot explain. Canā€™t remember seeing that play before.

Is midfield the ā€œgo lineā€ for offside?

Yes. There are some hyper-technical exceptions but the general rule is you canā€™t be offsides in your own half.

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Whatā€™s the rule about ā€œ5 minutes of extra timeā€ lasting 8 minutes?

Time is a human construct.

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Or, as HH saysā€¦ā€œnobody knows how long a soccer game lastsā€

My girl won the semifinal bout and will compete tomorrow for the gold.



Iā€™ve never attempted to break dance but today I learned that if I lived in Australia I would be the national champion.


I hadnā€™t realized Mallory Swanson was married to Dansby.

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My breakdancing career was as short as my gymnastics career.

When Jheniffer is running her chest area looks like there are a couple of puppies wrestling under a blanket.

0-0 at the half.

Mal Swanson scores from 64 feet. USA 1 Brazil 0


10 minutes of stoppage time? Wtf?

Itā€™s BS.

My phone says US won.

Just now, after an entire Man Unitedā€™s worth of stoppage time.

USAā€™s a young team. Bodes well for the future.

This is the first time in a while that Horan and Naeher havenā€™t had me yelling and pulling my hair out. We were actually at the US-Japan quarterfinal, and Horan was driving me nuts. Sheā€™s as tough as they come, but she is NOT fast, and she seems to make a lot of turnovers in really dangerous areas (which admittedly is partly a function of where sheā€™s playing).