2024 Summer Olympics

Well, having the different countries floating down the Seine on boats is certainly a new spin on the parade of nations.

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Full of e-coli!

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Lady Gaga singing to nobody but the TV audience was weird too. This isn’t working for me…

It’s both working and not working for me. But I love Paris in the summer, when it sizzles.

I turned it off since I’m recording it. That way I make the boats go faster. :motor_boat::dash:

This opening ceremony is so surreal it as if Andre Breton was dug up from the Batignolles Cemetery and assigned the job of choreographer.

It was on in the background when I was having lunch at Kenny & Ziggy’s. It looks utterly bizarre. I can’t wait to watch tonight.

There is nothing better in this world than French piano music.

ETA: there is nothing less natural in this world than French rap music.

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In the rain!

With flames!

I’m amazed how unalarmed they are.

And what could possibly go wrong with a tethered flaming balloon in the middle of a major city? I’ll be able to report next week, assuming the trains ever start running again.

We spent a few days in Paris in June. The attitude from all the people who we interacted with was, while it will certainly be a pain in the ass, it will be somebody else’s pain in the ass. They were out for their traditional August holiday.

So who is actually there for this insanity?

I hope there will at least be someone to sell me some food.

I used to work for a company in New York that officed in a building with all kinds of weird shit going on. There was Relix Magazine, Phat Farm, Imclone of Martha Stewart fame, etc. There were a couple of record labels in there, and sometimes they would send promos out around the building for some reason. We had nothing to do with music, but we’d get promo CDs fairly regularly. I ended up with most of them not because they were addressed to me but because I’d pay attention when the mail came and I’d dash over there and snatch 'em.

At some point I ended up with a CD of French ‘avant garde’ hip hop. I’m no one’s idea of a hip hop aficionado, but I listened to it some and it was pretty good somehow. This:


I think I might listen to it again now. Allez!

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That was a great version of imagine.

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If you have access to an oven, somebody will sell you a can of dunk confit and a sack of new potatoes. That’s good for days.

I loved that.

it sure was.

That may be the only time I’ve ever liked Celine Dion. She was born to sing in French.