2024 Dead Pool

I googled “idiot Tweedy” and got little insight. Just “Tweedy” reveals some hipster doofus. I reckon that’s who chuck was referring to. At any rate, the Open Road is a classic, and one should not be dissuaded by a hipster doofus. About anything, but especially something as magnificent as a genuine Stetson.

If overweight, frumpy dad is suddenly hipster then I guess Jeff Tweedy is a hipster.


I don’t think he came by it suddenly.

In that case I qualify, too, hat or no hat.

I have a Stetson Open Road. It’s the only “Western” hat I wear. I am tall and I am thin.

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I’m sure you’ve been told this, possibly by me, but you remind me of Rick Miller from Southern Culture on the Skids.


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He’s a sharp dresser.

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My childhood rodeo music acts were Michael “Little Joe” Landon and the next year was Jim “Gomer Pyle” Neighbors. I still remember Neighbors telling that, “You don’t sweat much for a fat girl” joke. I wasn’t impressed by Landon’s singing. Even to 10 year old me, his attempt at a singing career seemed vain and self indulgent.

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He was no David Hasselhoff.


I am pretty sure I’ve told this here so this’ll be the short version. I am an Astros fan because of a rodeo concert. My dad was stationed at Ft. Hood and we went to the “big city” to see a rodeo where Donny and Marie were the act. Probably in '76 ot '77. 10 year old me was so amazed at the Astrodome and told my dad I could not believe they made such a place just for Rodeos. He told me it was really for football and baseball so, when I got into baseball for the first time the following spring and a buddy asked me who my favorite team was and out of sheer panic, I said, “the one that plays in Houston”. Everyone kinda krinkled their noses at me and asked why in the world I would like the Astros. The rest is history.


Haven’t seen them in years, but they used to put on a hell of a weekend at the Continental Club in Austin

I still field that question. “They’re just my team, man. Everybody gotta be somewhere.”

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My at-the-time JHS/HS GF’s dad got the job of Pres/CEO of the Houston Rodeo & Livestock Show, and they all moved to Houston, including my GF. Of course, I am so old I am not sure cows were invented yet.


They had the baby dinosaur scramble?


Yep, and the T-Rex was quite a bareback challenge.



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Nah, dude. You’re thinking of Brokeback.

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I’d always wondered what sort of chain of questionable decision making led you to Astros fandom.

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