2024 Dead Pool

I like Wilco. I especially like those Guthrie songs they did with Billy Bragg, and particularly Way Over Yonder in the Minor Key.

I own two open roads, one felt, one straw, and I wear them pretty frequently.

There’s a lesbian couple on the next block over, two doctors I think, a little younger than me but not much. We wave when we walk the dogs and sometimes I walk with one or the other. One of them always wears an Open Road. I told her once that my wife hated mine, and she said did you tell her it’s an LBJ hat? Jeff Tweedy never came up.


California Stars was my brother’s (second) wedding first dance

Why on earth would your wife hate your hat?

He wore at the dinner table once… Once.


She thinks I’m irresistibly handsome in a fedora. And I am.

She thinks I look like Tweedy in an Open Road, and I do.

I was looking at that Seneca today. I may have to go down to San Antonio and get fitted for one.

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The Younger?

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RIP, Shelley. Godspeed.

Dr. Ruth Westheimer, 96


Richard Simmons, 76


Shannon Doherty, 53

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Well dang. She reminded me of my sister. Cancer sucks.

Former Texans receiver Jacoby Jones, 40


That is a real shock. RIP.

JJ Watt on twitter:

Jacoby was one of the most fun-loving teammates and people I’ve ever been around. Always dancing and laughing, with a permanent smile on his face.

Gone far, far too soon.

R.I.P Jacoby Jones.


Double bummer. Didn’t Jones win Dancing With the Stars once?

No, the article said he made the finals and got 3rd.

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Evan Wright, author of Generation Kill, 59

This ‘Only Good People Are Mortal’ weekend programming sucks…


Damn. Great book, and an overlooked and underrated HBO miniseries