2023 Dead Pool

Oh, my. I had not heard.

ETA: after your post, I got 10-15 notifications about it. You, my good Sphinx, are on the cutting edge.

Shocking. Not shocking.

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An old case, but authorities finally made an arrest in the murder of Tupac Shakur.

Arterio Morrisā€™s college basketball career.

Boy that link is deceptive versus what the story is:

Edited to add, hereā€™s the text of the link: kansas-dismisses-transfer-arterio-morris-rape-charge

Glad he left, and fuck off

I donā€™t know anything else

I couldnā€™t figure out how to do the link with the story lede. Whatā€™s the trick?

I just pasted the link and it showed the preview when I hit post. No trick.

ETA: I didnā€™t even mean your link you created. I meant the ESPN link itself, which I also boofed initially.

I guess I was trying go be too clever. That never works out well for me.

The board software is damn good at ruining attempts at cuteness.

HOLY SHIT. I read about the suspension, but rape is the offense? That guy must be crazy.

If I understood the article correctly, his trouble in Austin was some sort of domestic violence thing, but that got dismissed or lowered or something. The rape charge is something new and happened in Lawrence. But youā€™re right: he must be crazy.

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That was not in Austin. That was a charge his HS GF filed before he went to college. It was a misdemeanor charge and nowhere near as serious as rape.

Thanks for that clarification. I thought there was something in Austin as well.

No, he did not get in trouble during his year in Austin.

Tim Wakefield! Iā€™m shocked. I thought he was still playing.

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This is one thread i really hate seeing new message notices on.


Awful. Given how close he was to the end, I understand even more why his family was so upset with Schilling for making it public.

Heck of a pitcher and the last of his kind (at least for now).


Very sad.

Always liked him, and it seems his teammates thought the world of him.


Except Schilling