2023 ALCS Game 7

Dusty managed the whole season like he had a 20 game lead in the division. He managed the team tonight without any sense of urgency whatsoever. I like Dusty as a person, but it’s way past time for a change.


The national media loves Dusty. Firing him looks petty to the casual observer, or to the mass popular media who never lived daily with this lack of urgency and playing favorites past their sell-by, whether in game or in season.

A review of his managerial career in this wiki link uncovers all of the decision demons which converged in this capstone season

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According to Chandler, Dusty’s told the people that matter he’s out. I don’t know whether they go through some interview process or just hire Espada tomorrow and move on.

Whoever it it, I hope they find someone with the plucky courage to swim upstream and defy all odds and whatnot in order to figure out a way to play the best players a lot of the time if not most of the time.


Oh you mean anyone that isn’t a stubborn old dicknose that won’t listen to stats/reason/or EMPIRCAL GODDAMN EVIDENCE? I hope there’s someone like that out there.


I can’t sleep. That 4th inning is going to haunt me. A 4-2 game became an 8-2 game without Dusty lifting a finger.

It’s 4-2 and you bring France in, no problem bringing him in there, but he goes 3-0, none close, on the 8 hitter, get somebody loose just in case. Allows a single.

2-0 again not close to the 9 hitter but manages a strikeout.

Seriously, somebody needs to be up for the heart of the order if Semien reaches.

4 pitch walk. He’s gotta go, he can’t face Seager, he just can’t.

Not only does Dusty leave him in for Seager, but he faces Carter(6-2)
and Garcia(8-2)
and Garver
and Heim, before Dusty finally comes out 5 fucking batters and 4 runs too late. And now the season is over and for what? I can’t for the life of me figure out how in the fuck that inning is allowed to develop in a game fucking 7.

Fuck you Dusty.

It’s not like it happened in the blink of an eye. If Jung got a first or second pitch single and he strikes out Taveras, then Semien singles on the second pitch and then Seager does the same and Carter doubles, there isn’t much time to get somebody warm. This was slow developing, with plenty of time to do something different. It was obvious from the first few pitches that France was not going to get it done today, and Dusty just sat there and did nothing while the season died.

I say again, fuck you Dusty. Get the fuck away from this team.


Lost 22 of 29 at home to finish the season.

1-5 in the postseason.

That is really such an incredible stat. It’s almost not believable. That’s some Oakland A’s level bullshit right there.

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Outstanding post, Doyce. You expressed my feelings exactly. I could have managed that game better than he did, and so could have you and many others here.


I’ve always wanted Espada to be the next manager. I think he’s deserving and hope he gets it. Having said that, the circumstances could just be against him. Brown has long and extensive ties to multiple organizations and probably wants to bring in “his guy,” which I would understand. It’ll be interesting to see what happens.


The hardest part of this is that this thing was there for the taking. Just win one game out of four at home, with Framber going twice, Verlander and Javier. All the Astros had to do was not completely shit themselves. Not only did they shit themselves, they didn’t even wait until they put their pants on to do it. They completely covered themselves in their own diarrhea while still in the clubhouse.

Baseball is a funny game. It often rewards check swings and bad bounces, while ripping your heart out on a line drive. But you have to be ready to play for the moment. Last night they were not. And Baker certainly wasn’t ready to manage a Game 7. He never has been.


Won’t happen, of course, since only money rules, but it would be interesting for Garcia to take a legit steroids test.


One game too late.

I do not like him either, but I am not going to go there.


I don’t like Garcia either. but let’s face it…you poked the bear then he turned around and mauled the shit out of you.


When my flight from San Antonio touched down in Atlanta we were down 3-1. When I pulled in the driveway to my house it was 4-2. By the time I put my suitcase in my bedroom and sat down it was 6-2 and obviously it continued to go south from there, and quick. It was tough watching the rest of the game but I did. Eventually I’ll read this entire thread but I knew it would be way to painful for me to do so any time soon so if my notes below are regurgitating anything already posted before me…my apologies.

Couple notes:

Bregman: I know many will not agree but I hope we keep him around at a reasonable price after next season. He is not the superstar we thought he would be but he is a solid player and a winner IMO. I also think he deserves a little more respect around these parts than he gets.

Tucker: He picked a bad time to go into a funk. He was lost and by the end it was easy to see. It was written all over his face the last couple games and he looked totally defeated last night when he stepped in the box. Baseball is a brutally humbling game at times.

Dusty: I will always give him credit where credit is deserved for last season: He killed the Contreras deal…stuck to his guns on keeping Pena in the 2-hole…and otherwise managed well in the playoffs (lineup, bullpen, etc.) That said, I will hope the rumors are true about this season being his last. He did not serve this squad well this season and was painfully stubborn to the end. If you were grading every player and coach and handing out end of season grades he would have to get a F. Fucking shame.

Now I must start the grieving period. Thanks for all the time spent with you all. You make every season better win or lose.


I fully expect that we’ll hear that Tucker has been battling some injury, as has been speculated around here.

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Bringing Montero back was perfectly defensible. Crane bidding against himself to give Montero a fat deal, not so much, but hey, it’s his money.

I think the point to be made here is, Crane made a bold move in letting Click go and took his time to find his guy, Dana Brown, for GM. We have no reason to believe Brown won’t succeed if given the chance. So now that the Astros have their guy, it’s time to let Brown do his job unhindered by any influences. I believe that will happen, but it does remain to be seen.


I’m curious just how many people on this roster will hurry off to schedule surgeries this week…

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I can’t really be disappointed in this result considering how far they went, sputtering along like a V8 with 2 bad cylinders. All the peripheral stuff like losing to Arlington and the home ineptitude has already faded with a good night sleep. I still see a lot of promise in this group with proper guidance and good health.

Go NL and go Astros 2024.