Never ate at French Laundry either. Yountville was my stomping ground for a few years a couple of decades ago. Ate at Bouchon many times. I’m not an epicure by any stretch of the imagination but it is hard to imagine better. Bistro Jeanty a few blocks away was also really good.
William Hurt, 71.
That sucks. Too young.
He was really good. Amazing in Kiss of the Spider Woman.
Pro Wrestler Scott Hall AKA Razor Ramon
Hey, yo.
Actor William Hurt died on March 13.
Shit, I remember when he was the edgy young actor.
Madeleine Albright, aged 84 years.
A true giant. RIP.
Taylor Hawkins of Foo Fighters
Oh man, that’s a bummer. Just 50.
Heroin laced with Fentanyl. He was a longtime heroin user. He was a measured user but probably just got a contaminated batch.
Was waiting for this announcement of drug OD. Unreal. 50 with a wife and kids.
What, pray tell, is a “measured user?”
People who stupidly think they can control their intake and keep it up without over dosing. I knew two guys from high school who were “measured users” their both dead. William Burroughs and Bela Lagosi were noted heroin users for 40 to 60 years both died in their 80s (fentanyl wasn’t around to cut the smack with). It is so fucked up.
Yes, it is.
Mexican cartel drug factories use fentanyl because it is only 1/10 the cost of heroin. Over 100,000 deaths from it in the past year. Plenty of transport mules available crossing the border everyday. Mostly affects lower classes so ignoring it is a simple strategy. Otherwise our government would do more to fix it.
Sam Ellinger’s brother is one of the total.
Mine too. It’s horrible.
This country knows the drug war was/is a massive failure and politicians and voters refuse to demand better.