2022 Dead Pool

So sorry.

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So sorry to hear that. Wha do you think ought to be done differently? What do you demand of elected officials to solve the problem? Drug education? Treatment? Legalization? Regulation? I’m not trying to be a dick, this is obviously very personal for you, so I’d genuinely like to know your thoughts.

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I’m no expert. Many of my issues with the drug war aren’t all that relevant to my brother’s situation.

I’ll try and be thoughtful about your other questions and post again after work.

Much like with COVID, this country’s laissez faire attitude toward public health hasn’t helped, and that isn’t likely to change anytime soon. There are no easy answers.

Prohibition of alcohol did not stop people from drinking, and drug laws have not stopped drug users either. That does not mean there should be legalization. My vote goes to as much education as possible, total support of effective rehab programs, and strict enforcement of the laws.

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Probably going to need some significant health care reforms as well, such as requiring insurers to cover non-opioid drugs or other alternative treatments. My gut tells me that federal legalization of medicinal marijuana use would also help, but many of the states with the most per capita drug overdose deaths already legalize it (although some only recently).

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This is incredible

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Sometimes the question isn’t how did they die, it’s how had they not died long before.


The guy had a wife and kids. A fucking cocktail of at least ten drugs. Hard for me to see him as anything more than self-absorbed and selfish, but I am not into music like some of you are.

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What a heartless outlook. Music isn’t relevant.

Not heartless at all. Zero concern for his family. Btw, my daughter was a meth addict.

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I’ve read your posts about your daughter, which is why I was surprised you equate drug addiction with selfishness.

I suspect this is just something we’ll have to disagree about.

Is he is equating addiction with selfishness? Seems like two different things that overlap.

Maybe we can just replay the Tyler Skaggs thread and save ourselves a lot of time.


Of course I am not.


John Oliver puts fentanyl through his wringer, and comments on how we are using the same failed playbook with this epidemic as we did with crack in the 1980s.

America’s puritanical streak is as vibrant and dangerous as it was when burning witches 400 years ago.

Because the people that do it enjoy it. Conservatives love them some humiliation and lynching.

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…or they got hooked on opioids when they were prescribed them as painkillers and now they’re in the depth of an addiction while puritanical legislation forces them into the clutches of evil criminals.

Usually, the cruelty is the point.

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Yeah there’s that subset, but it doesn’t explain the evangelicals or the true believers. I would posit that drugs or not these are people that are cruel and hateful to begin with because they were raised that way.

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I like John Oliver but I would prefer it if he did his show with his hands tied down below the camera’s sight lines.

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