2022 Dead Pool

Wisdom cannot be imparted.

My favorite Hesseman character line is from Spinal Tap…”we’d love to stand around and chat, but we’ve got to go sit in the lobby and wait for the limo”.


No better way to put it:


SFX pioneer Douglas Trumbull (2001, Blade Runner, Close Encounters).

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The SFX on 2001 hold up still today, and the movie is over 50 years old. Absolute genius.

Not only do they hold up but they are significantly more accurate than the vast majority of space scenes in Sci-Fi movies today. I have to suspend belief every time I hear a Tie Fighter whoosh by or “hear” a spaceship drop out of hyperspace or see an X-Wing moving in the same way an airborne plane with control surfaces moves through the air.

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Or when folks on the Enterprise bridge get knocked around by a photon torpedo…or when two spaceships come across each other in the same orientation, as if there was some reference horizon in space…


In The Wrath of Khan Spock notes that Khan doesn’t seem to be thinking in 3 dimensions.

How embarrassing for him.


I seem to remember Whedon having to fight to not have Fox add “spaceship noises” to Firefly.

The orientation and gravity things were still there, of course.

Ronald D. Moore said that when they were developing the Battlestar Galactica reboot they tried not having any sound (spaceships flying by, weapons fire, etc.) during the space scenes. It didn’t test well even among the production staff, so they added all the sounds back. It’s not that they were trying to be flashy or anything, it’s just that without the sounds it was… boring.


I love that scene so much

OMG, that’s the first time I’ve seen that. I just watched it three times, rewinding the critical bits repeatedly and laughing my rear off.

“You can’t do that!”
“Why not?”
“Because, it’s freaking me out.”

One of my all-time favorite WW scenes, and episodes.

With Dr Phlox as Dr Fallow. Nice.

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The nod about size is pitch perfect.

I’ve never been much for the Gall-Peters, it seems, a little, I don’t know, smug maybe. I’m a Van der Grinten man myself.

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Jenney and Whitford combined for so many of the best comedic bits in the series.

“It’s freaking me out!”
“I had woot canaw!”
“So help me, I will shove a motherboard so far up your ass…”

Jeremy Giambi, whose failure to slide gave Derek Jeter his greatest highlight moment, dead at 47

Accidently hit the back of his head, didn’t realize the severity of the injury and got under the covers and went to sleep. Never woke up and died from a brain bleed. Negative tox screen.

Per various reports.

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