2022 Dead Pool

She was maybe the only person I almost truly believed would live forever.


Bernard Shaw. Damn.


King Charles III is going to take a lot of getting used to.

Also, “Charles the Third” is going to take over in rhyming slang from “Richard the Third”.

Limey, etiquette question:

The queen is dead, long live the queen


The queen is dead, long live the king

This one. You’re pronouncing the death of the prior monarch and exhalting the new one.


It’s The queen is dead, fuck the monarchy.


I may have to break out the Sex Pistols.

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I have a mental image of Camilla sitting in the background rubbing her hands together Mr. Burns-style.

When we visited Windsor castle a few years ago I got a few pictures in before the docent or whatever told us no photos.

So I got to stick it to the monarchy In Their House!

Take that Royals!

I also bought some ice cream supposedly made with milk from the queen’s own cows.

I told the kids she milked them every morning.


I read earlier that while it’s presumed he’ll take the title King Charles III, he doesn’t have to. He can chose to be King Arthur I. I know I would.

I’m hoping to avoid any mental images of Camilla whatsoever.

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I would choose King Chuck the… Well, the options are several.


He’s the King, so he could call himself Slartibartfast I if he wanted. Although that would be a little bit weird…it’s his safe word.

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Well he is half-German and half-Greek, so…

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Her majesty was a pretty nice girl.

The comedic timing in that movie is a masterclass.

Yep. It’s going to get really weird.


Banknotes, coins, postage stamps.

And remembering that it’s “God Save the King” in the anthem.

“Charles III” has been confirmed.