Sound muted.
Alexa: Play, It Ain’t Over 'til it’s Over.
Javier made this mess, he best clean it up
1-2 pitch 2 feet over Maldy’s head.
Javier pitching No outs, man on first
d’Arnaud – looks at change up strike 0-1, FB high 1-1, swings and misses a high inside FB 1-2, FB way high gets to screen lets Albies move to 2nd 2-2, fouls off change up still 2-2, swings and misses a 95mph FB. K.
one out, man on second.
Come on Cristian.
Throw strikes.
2-0 to the 9 hole .176 hitter.
Whew on that 2-0 slider.
Change of speed got him.
Cuz it were fat.
Ok that’s 3 of the same pitch. Don’t throw it again
Ugh, don’t throw that
Fuck me…right down the middle
This game is really over
This may the the last game I ever attend.
Gonna lose the WS in all likelihood.
A meaty fastball, instead.
That’s a lost less painful with the sound muted and music on.
Well, t’was a nice season.
Well, not now…