What are you eating?

That’s stupid. Any food fragrance should be bacon based.

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I once sampled a bacon-infused vodka. It was not good.

I’d think a bacon-infused gin would be more the thing.

This was being used in a Bloody Mary. That didn’t work, either.


Most over the top garnishes that people put in Bloody Mary’s would be better off served on the side.

I’m a big fan of the Russian Vodka Room in Hell’s Kitchen in Manhattan. I always make the mistake of ordering the jalapeno infused vodka, which is brutal.

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Just serve a slice of bacon with whatever folks what to drink, problem solved.

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One of the most memorable meals I ever had was at the old Russian Tea Room before it closed for renovation in 1995. I have no idea what I ate, but I had a series of frigid Russian vodkas which were likely the last time I drank vodka, and the best thing I ever drank.

I smoked a 12 lb brisket today. I don’t cook whole briskets often, but I’ve done it enough to have expectations, and I once spent a weekend at Brisket Camp. I am an educated brisket cook. I got up at 6 to start my fire, and had the brisket on by 7. I figured the brisket would be ready by about 3.

I kept the temperature very low, mostly between 200 and 225, though it did creep up to 250.

It’s done. It never stalled. I never wrapped it. I checked it around 10:30 and it was up to 140. By 11:30 it was at 170.

By the time I took it off it was around 213. Hopefully it’ll stay warm until we eat at 5. I no longer have any expectations about brisket.

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That makes zero sense. The laws of thermodynamics cease to exist on your pit.

As for keeping it warm…wrap in butcher paper and keep in a cooler. It should stay plenty warm for 5-6 hours. I say should, but it may be frozen solid at your house.

I’m smoking a turkey. A whole 15-pounder. Spatchcocked, at about 275. Figure about 4-5 hours. Mrs Hawk also had me iron a linen tablecloth and napkins. Turley White Coat in the ice box.


How are you monitoring your pit temp?

You’re not allowed to invoke physics until you reenter our space-time.

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I’ve never baked cupcakes before in my life, I can bake a box cake and brownies and stuff, my test run came out like little paper wrapped balls of sand covered in chocolate frosting.

Maybe I’ll figure it out by tomorrow, or I will completely screw this little cousin’s birthday up.

I also have no fucking idea why I am in charge of baked goods.

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Me or Neil?

Mine is pretty straightforward. Set it and forget it.

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Steak grilling temp was always: hold your palm 2 inches off the grates and count to 3. I is too hot, 3 is too cool, 2 is perfect.

Sorry, meant Neil. But nice smoker!

Today just the spring thermometer in the lid, but I’ve used a lot of different grill level monitors over the years, and have a good idea of the temps. My temp readings probably weren’t perfect, but they were close.

The timing really wasn’t that far off. If it had stalled, it might have been ready at about 2 or 2:30. I’ve thought of 2 reasons it might not have stalled. First, I thought I’d try a radical trim of the fat cap. It was a prime brisket, and there was plenty of internal fat, so I cut the cap down more than I usually do. Second, I did the trim on Wednesday, and seasoned the brisket then with a 50/50 seasoning. I always season a day ahead, but this time it dried for about 24 hours longer than usual. Maybe that let it cook without the stall. .

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You can use the box cake mix for cupcakes. Or is that what’s not working for you?