What are you eating?

Mayo is good for tuna salad, chicken salad and egg salad. That’s it. It should never, under any circumstances, be spread on a sandwich, most especially a Cuban sandwich.

My grandmother would sneak mayo into unexpected places, the worst of which might have been adding it into guacamole to stretch it out. Just throw in an extra avocado already. Thinking about that to this day will summon a hurl.

Whoa whoa whoa, let’s not forget pimento cheese.

Mayo on sandwiches grossed me out as a kid.

As an adult I recognize that it can have some uses and if a sandwich or burger is served to me with mayo on it I’ll still eat it.

But I don’t think I have ever bought a jar of mayo in my entire life.


Great ingredient, trash condiment.

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If you ever find yourself in Apalachicola do yourself a favor and eat some oysters. They are damn good.


What the actual fuck???

I’ll admit, I do like mayo on a burger with lettuce and tomato.

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There’s a local place here in Boulder where I work in the summer that sells a “Jiffy Burger”. It’s exactly what it sounds like. Peanut butter on a burger. It’s actually bearable (I just had to at least try it many years ago while inebriated) but the way it’s listed on the menu, and I have absolutely no desire to ever try it this way, is both peanut butter and mayo. Vile.

I like mayo (especially kewpie) on pretty much anything. But I’ve never tried on oysters or with peanut butter.

Come to think of it, I was at Nobie’s a few months ago and they had a special of “Big Mac Oysters” which were oysters broiled in rendered beef fat with some sort of pickle-tomato infusion that might have had a touch of mayonnaise in it. It was really good.

Yeah, I’d do that.

Hubcap Grill, formerly of Houston and now located only in hinterlands, has a peanut butter burger. I’ve never tried it, but reports are positive.

Nobie’s is great (as is their other restaurants The Toasted Coconut and Nonno’s Family Pizza Tavern). Nobies always has oysters served three ways. One raw and the other two are wildcards.

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Peanut butter on a burger doesn’t sound awful. I’d probably try it if it was a quality burger joint. But no mayo on it.

I feel so blessed to have those 3 restaurants nearby.

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If you don’t like mayo, don’t order fries when in Europe.


I seen them do it. They fucking cover in that shit.


Isn’t this in the wrong thread?

Martin and Sara are awesome. Our boys play little league together.

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Same here, I’ve heard good things but doesn’t sound like something I’d order. I’d want to test it out on a slider or something.