What are you eating?

The banana pudding ice cream at Hank’s is definitive. Beyonce agrees.

This is true. The “dream melons” from HEB have been pretty good. But it’s getting damn hard to find a decent melon in the US.

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Pecos cantaloupes don’t quite exist anymore, which is incredibly sad. Lack of water, lack of land.

Eleven days ago, Mandujano Brothers Produce posted to their social media accounts that “Mandujano Brothers Produce will ship Pecos Cantaloupe directly to your house via FedEx. Case of 8 for $88. Text to order 432-940-9954.” Admittedly that’s not cheap, but it is a way to get them, as is haunting your local HEB. Follow Mandujano Brothers Produce on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with their offerings at various markets and pop-ups in Texas.

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There’s a guy who brings a trailer full up here certain Fridays (he texts my mom). They are gone by Saturday late morning.

I can’t believe I grew up thinking milk chocolate was best chocolate. The darker the better.


Oh my God. McConnell’s is so fucking good.

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You can, however, get too dark

There is peach, which come once a year when the peaches are fresh.

Those piles and varieties of melons at Costco look so darn good. Until you get them home an cut into them. The only things that work anymore are to grow your own (very hard in Vermont) or be there at your local grocer the exact moment when a locally grown shipment of whatever melon has come into season arrives. And are gone in 30 seconds…

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It’s Hatch Chile Season again. Up there with baseball season and Christmas, IMO. Roasted some last night and made green chile cheeseburgers. Also bought some green chile hummus, pita chips and chicken breasts. I’ll see what else they have at HEB tomorrow.


Thought about you when I saw this the other day…can’t say I’ve ever had Balkan donkey cheese

Can’t say I’ve had that one either.

I wonder if they have Serbian Ass Cheese at HEB

I’m a fortnight late to this post, but fuck any type of mayo, aioli, etc. Now skate knobs on the other hand….

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Serbian Ass Cheese is the name of my Frank Zappa cover band

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Amen. Mayo is fucking disgusting. Long story, but I can thank my older brother when I was 7 years old for this lifelong taste aversion.

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I have my grandmother to thank.

My uncle, who is an absolutely brilliant attorney with zero knowledge of most everyday skills, made us a picnic lunch when I was young - peanut butter and mayo sandwiches. That was the end of mayo for me.

I’ve actually gone the other way on mayo in the past decade. A little smear on a sandwich or burger can be nice (real Kewpie mayo is great). Using mayo instead of butter on the outside of your grilled cheese or other such sandwich is a good thing as well

Still will not touch a mayo-based salad (potato/egg/chicken/tuna)…now that stuff is nasty.