What are you eating?

My dad was there post-college, after the NatlGuard, Tigerland, Vietnam BS, he worked for the Dallas Treasury Dept as a Bank Examiner, for a few years…then we all thankfully ended up in Houston when I was about 5

eta: did you know that they’re planning the world’s tallest skyscraper in OKC…right in the middle of Tornado Alley? Seems like a good idea.

What could go wrong?

ETA: It was actually a pretty great place to grow up. I’d guess that more than half my graduating class went to Texas, A&M, Tech, or Baylor, with a smattering of TCU, Abilene Christian, and Harvard. There were three lawyers, and at least three cowboys. The girls all played piano and the German kids all ran track and played in the marching band. One of my classmates was at our house for dinner last night, and my mom was her first grade teacher. It really was a throwback in a pretty throwback age, and now that I’m old I’m pretty nostalgic about it. And that James Taylor song would have been better if it had been about pigs.


I saw that the other day. It’s meant to be the tallest building in the western hemisphere, not the world, but, yes, some of the details surrounding the plan do strike me as curious.


That’s awesome, my mom ran into my favorite Literature teacher (9/10th grade) who now is retired in Horseshoe Bay right down the road. I want to buy her lunch at least once.

Like everyone says, the great thing about Wichta Falls is that it’s so close to Oklahoma.

Actually, I don’t think anyone says that.


Like you’d fucking know

Broil King Keg (kamodo) I got it above a ceramic mostly due to the sturdier material and the ability to attach it to a trailer hitch.

Unless you’re talking about the Pit Barrel Smoker next to it.

I was wondering why there wasn’t a big green egg.

Never heard of a “Broil King”, it looked like a seafood boiler to me.

You don’t have a “Cajun Microwave” do you?

When I was a kid we’d drive thru Wichita Falls every summer on the way to Colorado.

My sister and I were always super excited to catch a glimpse of that building.

I feel like BGE has been coasting on reputation and not innovating at all. You can do far better than a BGE now for less or the same money. Don’t get me wrong, they’re still great, but if you’re looking now as opposed to 7 or so years ago, you can do better imho.

For instance my Kamodo goes camping. No BGE can do that.


Some co workers of mine are endurance weirdos.

For a few years they participated in the Hotter than Hell 100, a 100 mile bike race in Witchita Falls in the dead of summer.

“Let me get this straight. You go to Wichita Falls, in August, and ride 100 miles on your bike only end up back in Witchita Falls?”



It’s not even on a street, it faces a freaking alley. The dudes who got duped into financing this boondoggle were not the sharpest tacks in the box. I wonder what they were thinking when they poured the foundation.

I did the full ride once, and 60 miles once. It’s a dry heat.

And the real problem is the wind.

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I’ve had mine a long time. It works.

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Pork chops were fantastic. I’m a simple salt, (fresh) black pepper, and garlic powder kind of guy. I like to do Chinese Five Spice, but Kara is far less taken with that idea.

Tonight is Cornell Chicken, something I discovered several years ago and has become a mainstay for summer grilling. Yankee bbq, but really effing delicious.

And @WVASTRO have you used a Caja China? We’ve done two whole pigs with one and it was chef’s kiss both times.


I grilled a tri-tip yesterday. It turned out pretty damn good. The left overs, cold and sliced thin, made good sandwiches today.


Dude, I have talks about this.

I went basic marinade, then sous vide, then dry, then sear in cast iron. It was great, same night cuts and next day sammiches were awesome

How did you do yours?

Very nice!! Tri-Tip is one of my favorite things to grill.

What was your marinade?

Red wine and bit of maple syrup with garlic and pepper. I let it soak overnight.