What are you eating?

That as quite a pivot after reading a bunch of wine posts. Was wondering what Aardvaark Habanero wine would taste like and why you would drink it in the morning

That’s actually a pretty good description. It was as to chili as a Sloppy Joe is to barbecue.

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Did the same at that shop in Fredericksburg a couple of years ago. Best name we found was Professor Phardtpounders Colon Cleaner

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I sacrificed a bottle of El Yucateco verde pulling some of this shit out of the cabinet so I hope you peckerwoods are happy.


Are you a lefty? Why are your knives backwards?

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I am guessing the very center of the AI-generated venn diagram for the hot sauce picture lineups will be Sriracha.

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I’m not but my son is. I don’t know why I have them like that, I just like them that way I guess. Maybe I’ll reverse them this afternoon and see if it bugs me. It probably will.

I have probably a dozen more bottles in the back of the cabinet but I didn’t feel like breaking out the step ladder. Next time I need some weird ass vinegar or whatever else I have stashed back there maybe I’ll round up the rest of them.

I need new knives. Those look nice. You recommend?

I done figgered it out. That fish knife, the one on the right, is flat on the back side and the only way it’ll adhere to the board is facing that way. Additionally, the attractive Miyabi logo exists only on the right side of those blades. So it wasn’t just some random thing my wife enacted that I, like so much else, simply elected to let stand for the sake of communal harmony.

I highly recommend Miyabi knives, yes, but what I really recommend is going to a decent knife shop and trying them all. They’re weighted differently and the handles can be radically different and what feels great to me might feel terrible to you.

Sur La Table is the place I would recommend but it appears they’ve closed half their stores. There’s a Williams Sonoma near you which I guess is what’s going to have to do.

Maybe you just buy ten on Amazon and return the nine you don’t like. It’s their fault we don’t have any stores to go to anymore.

I second Chuck’s recommendation of going to a store and handling the knives, because there is a tremendous variation in heft and how it fits your hand. I wound up with one of the Miyabi modified santoku knives (from Sur La Table, no less, and quite possibly the same as the leftmost one in Chuck’s photo), and I really like it. It’s especially good for mincing garlic, ginger, etc, because I can rock it back and forth like nobody’s business, while toward the back it’s straighter and lets me work longer cuts easily. And the handle just felt 10x better in my hand than anything else I tried. But it’s like a guitar neck: what I like may feel awful to you.

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Go buy a Victorinox 8" chef’s knife and use it for a month. They’re $35 or so, so if you don’t like it, you can get rid of it. They are as good as knives get though. And of all the knives we own, it’s the one I usually reach for. It’s also pretty easy to sharpen.


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That’s always my advice for home cooks who aren’t worried about aesthetics. I’ve been (ab)using one for about ten years now, and with occasional sharpenings it’s been totally reliable for me.

That’s not to say I don’t have fancier knives that make me feel like a chef, or a samurai, or somewhere in between. But the Victorinox is my workhorse.

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It has been three days since I ran out of tea…


So I’m in Santa Fe. Had grilled pork tenderloin with chili lime glaze last night. And they had Turley on the wine list!

This morning was chilaquiles with a fantastic molé. Green chile cheeseburger is on the lunch schedule. I love eating in this town.


What kind of sharpener do you use?

Chilis on everything. What’s not to love?

Santa Fe is on my short list of retirement destinations.

Mostly just a fine diamond stone with honing oil. I touch up the knives before any big project. I bought Kris one of those Japanese sharpening contraptions that show up on Facebook for Christmas, and I’ve been using that some. I bought a set of diamond stones off Amazon. It’s actually pretty easy to use, and Kris thinks it’s great.

The other Victorinox knife that I really like is the classic slicer, which I see online for about $74. It’s great for big hunks of meat. I use a boning knife and a paring knife a lot too, but don’t really like them. For the boning knife I generally use a shun, and for the paring a classic wusthoff. Or the handy Swiss army knife in my pocket.

Weirdly, one of my favorite kitchen implements is a Wusthof fish spatula. It’s light and springy, so you can use it to scrap up bits at the bottom of a cast iron pan. It’s long enough to handle big things, and it has slots so you can mash refried beans. It slides under stuff easily. I think it was about $70, and there are cheaper fish spatulas that I’m sure are great, but every time I use it (which is probably nigh on daily) it amazes me because it does its task so well.

I ordered a bottle of Turley Zin while in Park City. Tasty stuff.

It would be on mine, but I’m not Thurston Howell III.