What are you eating?

We’re all pulling for you, bud.

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The easy answer is whatever wine you have on hand. But we’re professionals, mostly, so as I think this through I’d say you want something with acid to cut the richness and fat. But, Frito’s are salty, so you don’t want enamel stripping white wines like Assyrtiko or Carricante. I’m thinking a lighter, chillable red like Gamay or Cinsault.

But I’d also be fine with whatever wine I have on hand.

ETA - I should try to figure out what I was drinking with my gringo Frito pie in 2017 and 2022, aside from the copious amounts of bourbon.

Whatever you have on hand is probably the answer to what best pairs with squirrel brains, raw or otherwise, particularly if what you have on hand is a mason jar filled with corn squeezins.

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In case anyone was wondering…

Went with a Chardonnay. Well…more than one bottle, in fact. It was fine. Especially after the first.

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In my experience, you’ll rarely go wrong with a Sancerre.


There’s a Korean side dish that is basically acorn jelly with some chili oil and veggies on top and it’s amazing.

Squirrel brains are scrambled with eggs for breakfast, in case you were wondering.

Crystal is good stuff, I use that and Cajun Power Garlic Sauce for my Gulf Coast moods. Yellowbird Serrano, Secret Aardvaark Habanero, Cholula with breakfast egg-type things, various asian stuff…I need to expand my hot sauce horizons a bit is why I was asking

Depends on what part of Florida.

To be fair…the “acorn” in Chef Paul’s acorn chili is acorn squash, which is pretty good as far as squash goes. My comment was more tongue in cheek referencing the yahoos is knew growing up who’d crack open and eat the raw acorns that fell off the live oak trees.

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That I probably can’t recommend either.

My doctor told me to stop eating squirrel on account of my cholesterol


Obviously Thunderbird is the correct answer, but might I suggest a Tempranillo?


This is the most interesting question. We keep around numerous kinds of hot sauce:

The thing is, I can’t remember ever buying a bottle of hot sauce, and almost never use any. Last year I made a concerted effort to use up the Roland’s ginger chili, and maybe I’ll finish the bottle by 2025. I tend to cook hot anyway, with cayenne being a mainstay, but this really is ridiculous.

Triscuit + cream cheese + Pickapeppa is a proper snack

I’ll have to try the Roland’s ginger chili sauce, that’s a new one to me

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Boone’s Farm?

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I’m a Cholula man, myself.




I currently have Cholula in stock.

A few years ago a friend gave me a sampler pack “Hot Sauce from Around the World” or somesuch.

It was really just “Hot Sauces from the same Asian Factory with Different Labels”.


One of the best local hot sauces I’ve had was from a restaurant in Placencia, Belize. And it was a “restaurant” in the academic sense as in it sold food, but was more like picnic tables and a grill. But the lady there made and bottled her own hot sauce. It was really good.