What are you eating?

She would have liked the gumbo.


Cooking in the sous vide has the advantage of not coasting. It’s as hot as it will ever get. I also cut the temperature down to 140 after about 4 hours, so it probably never got close to 145. We probably ended up pretty close.

I’m of the same mindset re: the amount of food. Gumbo was outstanding, turducken was surprisingly good, but I didn’t need all of the leftovers. Will probably do the same as you and just go with gumbo next time.

I also highly recommend leftover bread pudding for breakfast.

Kind of like people who hate okra and have only had it boiled.

This recommendation cannot be emphasized enough.

We spent one Christmas in Florence, which has my vote for the best place to spend Christmas. We drank too much of it, and Brunello remains my favorite Christmas wine.

My experience as well with rib roast…

Getting ready to head to Fredericksburg to meet an old friend and tear into some Korean ribs at Eaker BBQ. Then they have to go pick up orders at a couple of wineries…gonna be a terrible day.

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The fact Altstadt isn’t on your list makes it an L, bud.


Oh I’ve been there a few times…not sure it’s on their list today though. The Garrison Bros/Alstadt doubleshot is a great day, and absolutely requires a DD.

Not sure if it’s a seasonal thing or what, but their Schwarzbier is outstanding.

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I know their schwarz was a seasonal, but that may be outdated info.

Their bock, which I had in 2021, was the best beer I’ve had from them, but it was a very limited release back then.

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I see their schwarz is as big as mine. Now lets see how they handle it.

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He’s going to be very popular.

I wholeheartedly endorse a day at Garrison Bros. Any day.


I participated in a white elephant gift exchange at a Christmas Eve lunch I go to most every year.

I drew first, and ended up with a bunch of Aggie bullshit (koozies, mini helmet, some other crap), but managed to snipe some Garrison brothers chocolates with booze in the middle at the end.

Major upgrade, they are delicious.

Drawing first is a major win. You basically get your pick of anything. And a poke in the eye with a sharp stick is an upgrade from Aggie crap.


For Christmas, my daughter gave me the book, Masa, a bunch of artisanal masa harina, and a tortilla press. I’d tried to make tortillas before and had failed, but this has been a success. It’s been timely for all of that leftover prime rib.

Apparently artisanal masa is a thing. https://masienda.com/

We also had beef pot pie last night with leftover prime rib. Completely successful. The prime rib is gone.


We ate at a little restaurant in Minneapolis in June that fixes a bunch of different things (sopes, tortillas, etc) using masa from Masienda. It was all very good, and I’ve thought about springing for that same press and some of their masa. (Of course, since you’ve got one, the physics laws of super-symmetry require that I also get one.)

I’m amazed your daughter didn’t give you one for Christmas.

This place was interesting:
